Prince Harry

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I forget just how lucky I am.

It's a great honor being able to serve the royal family. Not only that but I get the privilege of being Prince Harry's chambermaid. Not many girls in the castle can say that. He only has two. Ms. Bertha who practically raised Harry while his parents were busy ruling the kingdom and me.

My job was simple, take care of him, come whenever he needed me, pick up after him, bring him breakfast in bed, take his laundry, and run him a bath. I loved serving Prince Harry except he took a liking to me- a very strong liking might I add.

The Prince had a bit of a reputation: he didn't want to settle down to get married, he didn't want to have the throne, being responsible and ruling a kingdom seemed too overwhelming for a 24 year old. He wanted to travel, host charity events instead of balls and dinner parties, he didn't like having guards follow him all the time even though his parents insisted that if he ever went out with no protection, he was practically a dead man walking. He liked roaming the streets of kingdom, talking to the locals. He wanted to do more hands on things for his community instead of paying someone else to do it for him.

He helped build the new well in the village with his bear hands, he donated over $500,000 to the shoe store so that every child had a pair of shoes for his birthday instead of throwing a big birthday ball like his parents wanted, he would go to the elementary schools in the village to read to the children every Wednesday, he loved receiving pictures that they drew for him, he was loved by everyone.

He liked being easy going.

So you can imagine how his world must have shattered when his parents announced to him that they arranged him a marriage. She was pretty, she was royalty, her family owned half of Ireland, and now she was engaged to Harry.

I've never seen him so upset. In honor of his engagement, his parents threw him a ball, they invited all of their royal friends and the kingdom celebrated. The night of his ball, I was in his chambers, running him a bath to help ease his nerves but he was still so upset. I just wanted to make him feel better... I guess I did in a way. Let's just say he offered me some campaign because he didn't want to drink alone and the rest was history. We got so drunk that we had no recollection of what happened or how we ended up in his bed together... naked. But we were both very aware of our actions the next morning when we had slow, passionate sex. I don't know if it was so good because it was Harry- Prince Harry, a very attractive man that I have to admit, I had a bit of a crush on but what girl in the kingdom didn't? He was the sweetest person ever.

Anyways, that was the start of us hooking up behind everyone in the kingdom's back. I was a mistress- sort of. He wasn't married yet but he was engaged. He didn't like her that much, he tolerated her in public and took pictures for press but other than that, they slept in separate rooms while she stayed in the castle.

He claimed it was because he wanted to be tradition and wait until marriage to sleep with her- physically and literally but little did everyone know, he was sneaking me into his chambers when everyone was asleep.

And now here we are, the night before his wedding, his wedding rehearsal dinner was over only 30 minutes ago, everyone was slowly making their way out of the castle, his bride to be was on her way to stay in the guest house for the night, while Harry tugged me into his bedroom, locking the door behind him.

"I couldn't take my eyes off of you all night." He whispered hotly against my neck as he undid his tie. "I wanted to drag you up here four hours ago."

There was no time for talking, I immediately dropped to my knees, pushing him against the wall.

"God, so eager." He mumbled, undoing the bun on top of my head before he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I have to be down in 20 minutes, I have 2,500 goodie bags to make." I said, popping the button open on his pants before I unzipped them.

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