Always and Forever

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"Where's my bra?" I held my chest with my hands as looked for my underwear that Marcel discarded somewhere in his room.

"Um... I don't know." He panted, running his fingers through his hair. "Just go without one, you look sexier."

He sat up and pulled the sheet over his naked torso.

He convinced me to stay the night last night and of course I gave into him. It's hard not to when he looks at me with those big puppy dog eyes, literally.

And this morning, I told him I had to get up early so could go back to my dorm and shower but he woke up and refused to let me leave until was- and I quote, "moaning his name for him". We haven't mated yet. Marcel's a werewolf and I'm human so he's afraid of hurting me or going too rough so to let out that sexual tension between us, we're doing other things.

Hand stuff is okay and oral so we've been doing that. We've had dry sex a few times- counting this morning but it's been so hard to resist him.

Even though I'm human, I feel the same powerful urges he feels around me because we're mates and we're supposed to be... mating.

He's next in line to be alpha too so it's not like I'm mated to just any werewolf. I'm soulmates with the most powerful one in the pack. He's also begging me to meet his parents but the thought of meeting the king and queen of their pack terrifies me. I'm also afraid they might neglect me and hate Marcel for being with a human.

"I can't." I sighed. "I'm meeting my mom for lunch."

"Right, the beautiful Mrs. Y/n... When am I going to meet her?" He asked.

"When you have pants on." I teased. He pushed the sheet off of him a little, smirking up at me.

"Should we have round two?"

"I'll never leave if I get back in that bed." I admitted.

"That's the point." He reached for his boxers and slid them on. "Can I at least have a kiss before you go?"

"Always." I walked over to him after putting my bra and shirt on, and kissed him.

He didn't hesitate to lick my bottom lip and lean into me, allowing me to deepen our kiss for just a little until I pulled away. "Stay." He whispered.

"I'll be back later. She's just in town for a few hours." I said.

"Are you going to tell her about me?" He asked.

"She knows I'm seeing someone..." I trailed off.

"The whole truth about me."

I bit my lip and turned to look at him. "As much as love you,"

"And I love you." He reached his hand out for mine and entwined our fingers together.

"Telling my mom about having a werewolf boyfriend would be like trying to explain that Santa isn't real to a child. It's impossible and she'll hate me. Well, she won't believe me at first but then she'll think I'm crazy and try to keep me away from you." I explained. "It's probably best she doesn't know that about you."

"But you're going to be my luna someday, I need you by my side to rule." He mumbled "She will also have to meet my parents eventually and so will you."

"I know, I know." bit my lip. "I promise that one day we'll sort all of this out. We're going to be together rather our parents approve or not." I said.

"A soulmate connection never lies.' He whispered. "I love you. Drive safe." He gently kissed my knuckles before letting go of my hand.


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