His Thoughts During Sex

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Oh my god! She's so good at this. So fucking good! I thought she was so innocent.

Where do you even learn to move your mouth like this? I don't wanna finish before the actual good part but holy shit.Best head I've ever gotten.

Bloody hell!!!


She's amazing. Her personality is wonderful but I can't believe she's a freak in the bedroom.

No one before her has ever took me all the way before. I mean, no need to be cocky (ignore the pun) but I'm pretty big and even the most experienced girls I've been with only took me a little over half way.

I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum and she's gonna think I can't hold out for the actual sex!No. No. No.

Okay, good. She pulled off. I thought I wouldn't last another 30 seconds if she kept up.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! She's on top of me! How am I gonna last?! She feels so good. Sooooo good!

Wait. She just- BLOODY HELL! She feels so warm around me! Oh my god! Her hips are amazing. They swirl so well.

I'm a moaning mess and just hearing her whimper my name has me hanging by a thread. Fuck me.




That feels so good. And she looks good doing it.

I never thought I'd have a girl- no.. The most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, here with me, right now, doing what she's doing.

Her body is so flawless. Well, to me. I spent 30 minutes telling her how amazing she looks before we even started.

And now she's riding me.

God, her breast are the perkiest I've ever seen. Not that I stare at other girl's breast! But hers are so beautiful. And she allowed me to fondle them! That's the closest I've ever gotten to second base.

I just hope she doesn't realize that I'm a virgin. Although I don't think she would care. She's too sweet to- OH MY GOD!

If she does that again I might cum. Shit! Oh, excuse my potty mouth. This just feels sooooo good!

And her moans are music to my ears. Never heard anything sound so precious.


Oh, I didn't mean to curse- SHIT! OH MY! I'm gonna cum. She's gonna make me cum. I have to-

Then I let out the highest pitch scream I've ever heard and could've died of embarrassment from the look on her face. But she kissed me anyway. And smiled.



So professional.

She was a good, sweet, innocent virgin before I dated her and now she's pinned down to my bed about to get freshly fucked.

She has the prettiest little moan and the tightest pussy I've ever fucked. Oh, she praises me so well.

Always knows how to make me proud. I love when she arches into me too, I love it when she's needy.

And the way my name rolls off of her tongue, I can seriously cum just from hearing that.The noise she makes when I flick her nipples is the mix between a moan and a whimper, so sexy.


Her clenches are what really drive me wild. She makes me feel like a whole other person when we're in the mist of shower sex, sex on the counter, sex in the pool, sex on the bed, when we're on the floor, or just sex in general.


Her cursing is everything. I fucking love her naughty little mouth, makes me so hard. Harder than I already am most of the time. But holy shit I'm a dead man.

I'm not gonna be able to control myself much longer if she keeps it up.All the moaning, dirty talk, clawing at my back, and suckling on my neck is gonna make me cum.

I'm always the tough, insensitive one but around her, I lose my cool. She brings out the best in me. I just love her so mu-Shit. Fuck. Fuck!!!

Bloody hell! I think I just came.

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