You're A Milf

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Harry's Pov

I was over my best friend's house, Joey Horan, playing video games like we usually do, I was obviously kicking his arse in FIFA, like I always do when his mum came home.

My attention was immediately drawn to her. She's the sexiest woman alive. If only I were 20 years older or she were 20 years younger..."Hi guys. I ordered pizza." She smiled, placing the two boxes on the counter. I bit my lip, anxiously waiting for her to look up at us but she didn't. She was helping Joey's little sister untie her shoes.

She's an amazing mum. The perfect wife to bare my children."Hi Mrs. Horan." I cleared my throat, hopping she'd notice me. She did.

"Hi Harry." She smiled at me. "How's your mum?"

"She's good." I said, suddenly getting drawn back into the game when Joey cheered, claiming he won.

"Beat that arse clow- hi mum." He cleared his throat, running his fingers behind his neck as his mother scowled him.

"Hi, how was school?" She walked over to us and hugged him. "Did you finish your homework? Did you take out the trash like I asked you to? I told you no video games before you did your chores."

"I know but Harry's over." He pointed to me. "We hardly ever get to just chill anymore."

"Chilling is all you ever do. Go get your chores done. Be more like Harry, he's a good kid." She said, ruffling my hair from where she stood behind the couch.

She has no idea just how bad I can be.

"I do my best." I smiled.

Joey groaned, grabbing his backpack from the other couch he set it on. "Fine. Let's go Harry."

"Harry's here?" I heard a gasp before I seen his little sister running towards us. "Bye-bye Harry." She blushed, waving at me and I did the same even though she was barking up the wrong tree. I'm into older women.

"Bye-bye." I smiled.

We made it up to Joey's room, him closing the door behind me. "She likes you." He mumbled.

"I know." I shrugged. "But you know me, I like older girls." I said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I know. Stay away from my mum." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"What do you-"

"I do my best." He mocked me. "I know you like her, you're always drooling over her when she walks in the room, you disgusting freak. You do realize that she's more than twice your age, right?"

"And?" I smirked.

"It's perverted." He cringed. "And she's married to my dad which should make you feel even more guilty."

"A nice shag or two wouldn't hurt anyone." I mumbled.

"If you even think about doing it with my mum, I'll break your leg." He said, taking out his textbook.

"Okay, okay, I won't." I held my hands up to surrender. "But a guy can dream." I bit my lip, thinking of all the positions I could possibly take her in. "I'm gonna go get some pizza, do you want some?"

"Yeah, hurry back, no funny business." He mumbled.

I chuckled, walking back downstairs and seeing Mrs. Horan cutting up strawberries for her daughter that was sitting on the couch, watching cartoons. "Hi again." I smiled.

"Hi... Again." She looked up at me as I passed her.

I got down two paper plates and went over to get pizza. Why is she so fit? How is it possible?

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