You Leave Scratches On His Back

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"G-god, baby." Harry moaned in my ear quietly as he approached his high.

I was gasping for air, my fingernails digging in his the skin on his back. I was so close to cumming. Every thrust of his hips brought me closer and closer. I felt him twitching inside of me. Getting on birth control was the smartest decision we ever made.

I loved feeling every twitch, every pulse, every movement with no barrier between us.

"Come on, love.. You're so close." He groaned right before he hit his high.

My nails went down his back in steaks and I arched into him as my orgasm washed over me.

He hissed in my ear from the pain before pulling out of me and looking between us to see his release start to drip out of me.

He kissed my lips a few times and rolled over to lay next to me.

"That was... intense." He whispered. "I think you scratched up my back." He chuckled as he pulled me into his chest.

"Sorry... You were going rough." I panted.

"I told you to tell me if I-"

"I know but I like it rough... It makes my legs wobbly the next day and it's like I can still feel you inside of me." I admitted.

"Kinky." He smirked.



"Is it normal for them to last this long? It's been 3 days." Marcel stressed as he looked at his back in his bathroom mirror.

"You're fine, love." I said as flipped through the textbook on his bed, looking for the homework.

"What if my mum sees? Or worse, Edward!" He sighed as he put his shirt back on and entered his room again.

"He'll know you're getting properly laid." I winked at him and he blushed.

"Well, technically you're getting properly laid. There's scratches all over my back and there's still a bite mark on my collarbone." He smirked.

"So don't go swimming anytime soon." I shrugged.

He came to sit next to me and kissed my cheek softly. "Can we- I mean, we don't have to but we have the house to ourselves for the next hour and we probably won't have any privacy this week... My brothers are both at boxing practice and my mum is at work." He gently caressed my arm.

I already knew where this was going.

"Can you maybe... Replenish the scratches?" He whispered.

I closed the textbook and looked into his eyes that are now a darker shade of green than usual.

"You like having scratch marks on your back?" I smiled.

"It's kind of an ego boaster..." He shyly mumbled. "And it's a reminder of you- a discreet reminder that only I know about." He kissed my cheek again.

"Well, do what you did 3 days ago and you might get more." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and allowing him to hover over me.



"Edward... Ed-.. Edward!" moaned against his neck as he showed no mercy, thrusting in and out of me at a rough pace.

My right leg was draped over his left shoulder and he had his right hand wrapped around my throat- squeezing lightly.

"Fuck, Edward." I gasped, sinking my nails in his back and dragging them down his spine. It felt so good to have him pounding into me.

He lifted his head to look at me, making sure the choking wasn't too rough. "Look at me." He demanded, sending shivers down my spine. "Too tight?"

"No..." I bit my lip, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

He squeezed a little tighter and my nails sank a little deeper in his back.

He hissed a little at the pain and leaned his forehead down to touch mine. "You're digging in a little deep."

I dropped my hands to my side and squeezed the bedsheets. "Sorry,"

"Don't be." He smirked down at me. "You know I like the pain." He whispered.

I knew.

He has a pain kink and... I do as well. He was so open about it right at the start of our relationship whereas I was more sheepish. Then again, Edward is more experienced than I am and I was still exploring.

"I want you to look at me when you cum." His free hand lifted my chin to make me hold eye contact with him.

It's more intimate when we're close together and holding eye contact when our orgasms wash over us and he loves it. I think he gets off to it.

My entire world came crashing down. My toes curled in on themselves, my back arched into him, wrapped my leg tighter around his shoulder, my breath got caught in my throat, and I placed my hand on top of his that was around my throat- tightening his grip a little.

"You're a keeper." He smirked at me when it was all over.



"Oi! I have a physical tomorrow, love." Alex said to me as he examined his back in the bathroom mirror. "The lads are going to give me hell for this."

"Sorry." I giggled, pulling the sheets over my chest.

"Maybe next time you go a little easier." I suggested.

"Where's the fun in that?" He smirked as he made his way back over to me. "You like it when I'm rough."

I crossed my legs in sitting position and reached on the floor for my discarded bra. "I do but- Alex!" I shrieked when he picked up my bra and refused to give it to me.

"All you have to do is walk towards me and get it. He stepped a few feet away from me held it out in front of him.

"All you have to do is walk towards me and get it." He stepped few feet away from me held it out in front of him.

"You're being ridiculous, I have to go get dinner started."

"And I've seen the girls plenty of times now, you're the ridiculous one." He smirked at me.

I chucked a pillow at him but that only made him laugh.

"Your mother will be here in an hour, we don't have time for games."

"I think you should go without it, honestly." He walked over to me and sat near my feet. "But I'll look away while you get dressed if you want." He sighed.

"Thank you." I don't like being naked in front of anyone- Alex is the only one that has seen me naked and I still can't get used to it.

"Even though we just fucked,"


"Sorry, sorry... Made love." He chuckled. "I think you're gorgeous." He gently kissed my forehead. "And you don't have to hide from me."

I removed the sheet from over my chest and he winked at me.

It's not like he didn't just see me completely naked less than 5 minutes ago but this is different... We aren't having sex.

"You definitely have the best rack I've ever seen." He smirked and I gently hit him over the head before getting up to get dressed.

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