Alpha Triplets

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I'm not entirely sure how this happened. They share the same DNA, they shared the same bedroom when they were younger, they had the same responsibilities, they shared the same crush on a girl when they were younger but how is it possible to share the same mate?

A werewolf is only supposed to have one mate. That's how it works. There should be no loopholes.

"Love, do you mind fixing my tie for me?" Harry asked as he walked over to me and straightened out his tie.

We're attending his parents 25 year anniversary dinner and Harry is my date.

"Thank you." He smiled down at me after I finished adjusting his tie before he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

Then another... Then another... Then another.

"Okay Harry, I don't want to smudge my lipstick." I giggled.

"One more." He mumbled, softly gripping my waist and pulling me close to him. His lips collided with mine and he kissed me slowly, softly biting down on my bottom lip and dragging it with his teeth before pulling away for just a few seconds then kissing me again.

After what felt like an eternity later, I gently pushed him away, causing him to whine. "We're gonna be late if you keep this up and now you have lipstick on your teeth." I groaned, grabbing a tissue from his desk and whipping his teeth. I'm sure I'll have to reapply my lipstick now.

"Worth it." He smirked down at me before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Harry I really want to make a good impression on your parents tonight and showing up late with my makeup smudged is sending the wrong vibe." I mumbled.

He frowned, lifting up my chin to get me to look at him. "Hey, don't stress about this. They're going to love you, I promise." He assured me.

"You don't know that for sure." I sighed.

"Trust me, I do." He smiled.

Harry's parents are really popular apparently. I've never seen these people in town before but they're all here to celebrate the 25th year anniversary of Anne and Desmond.

"My brothers should be here already." He said as he walked us over to a table that was reserved. "You'll like them. Edward can be a little forward sometimes so don't mind that." He smiled. "And Marcel will be a gentleman as always."

The table was empty and his brothers were no where to be seen. Harry pulled out my chair for me then pushed me towards the table. "Do you want me to get you anything to drink?" He asked.

"Just a water please." I smiled.

He smiled back at me and kissed my temple before going to get a glass of water.

Everyone around me was far more dressed up than me. Harry said it was a causal anniversary dinner. Now I feel like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Hey sweetheart, are you lost?" Harry sat down next to me and smirked. "You know this is a reserved table but for you, I'll make an exception." He winked at me and I frowned.

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I smelled you from across the room babe. think you know exactly what I'm talking about." He leaned closer to me. "The bond got stronger from the moment I sat down."

"Harry, are you-"

"You think I'm Harry?" He asked. "Sweetheart, we may be identical but I'm nothing like Harry."

What is he-

"Harry has a twin brother?" I asked him.

"No, Harry is a triplet." He said. "So you came with Harry?" He asked. "My brother Harry? Like, as his date?"

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