Friends With Benefits

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You imagine the triplet you want :)


The sound of our skin slapping together was the only sound that could be heard bouncing off of the walls.

I held his face in my hands as kissed him, not wanting to tear apart even though I desperately needed air to breath.

His hands traveled from my hips, down to my thighs to help guide me better as rode him. I felt so entirely full of him. I could feel every pulse of his vein, every twitch, every thrust as I rode him bare and my walls wrapped around him tightly. Each time my thighs sat on his, I wanted to stay that way- stay full of him but also didn't want to stop moving. He feels so fucking good.

His breathing was becoming harder, his lips moving faster. his hands gripping my thighs rougher. He pulled away from my lips for a few second to let out the loudest groan yet.

"Gonna cum, love." He panted before wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling me back in for another kiss.

I ran my fingers through his sweaty curls. I started riding him harder, faster, deeper. I felt him repeatedly run against my g-spot and it made my head spin. I was becoming restless. I wanted to change the rhythm of my hips but his hand didn't leave my thigh, he liked this tempo already.

I froze on top of him when I felt my toes curl and my head tilted back momentarily. Nothing but a string of moans fell from my lips as he kissed my exposed neck and grazed the sensitive flesh with his teeth a few times.

My eyes were rolling to the back of my head and I never wanted this moment to end.

I swirled my hips over his, spelling out the word coconut twice before getting back to riding him. His mouth hung open when I looked down at him. He looks so... fuckable. I want to look at this blissed out face forever. The way his eyes are sparkling with lust and love. I could practically see it pouring out of his eyes or maybe

I'm just as far gone from this amazing sex. I wanted to shout his name over and over again but only moans came out of my mouth. My body practical lurched forward when he dropped his fingers to my clit. The way my body reacts to him so quickly still amazes.

He hovered his lips over mine- his breath fanning over my lips as we shared the same air for a few seconds before he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me with every fiber of his being.

I'm so close... So close to cumming. I could feel it building up and tingling in my stomach. My eyes were watering- tears of pleasure spilled from the corners and I gasped into our kiss.

His skin felt sticky with sweat against mine and it's getting so hot but I want to bask in this warmth forever.

"You're right there, love." He whispered, pressing his thumb against my clit, making me cry out his name. "Cum for me." He said and my body convulsed, my walls tightened around him, my lips parted to express how good this felt, my head was thrown back and he pressed kisses all over my jaw and neck until he also reached his high.

He helped me continue to move on him and I circled my hips one last time before falling forward against his chest. Neither one of us said anything until our breathing calmed down and I finally gained the strength to climb off of him.

He ran his fingers through his sweaty hair as he laid against the pillow for a few more minutes then he turned to me and handed me his shirt to put on.

Then he got out of bed and pulled on his boxers. "Same time tomorrow?" He looked over his shoulder at me as he zipped his pants and pulled his sweatshirt over his head.


He blew me a kiss then left my room.

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