Summer Love

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I met him at the town bakery when I was 17. He worked behind the counter, he had the kindest smile, the most beautiful green eyes, curly hair to die for, and dimples that made you want to curl up inside of them and live there forever.

He was the definition of beautiful. Harry Edward Styles.

My family and I were on vacation in Cheshire so I didn't want to get too close because I knew it wouldn't last forever but I couldn't help but fall in love with him.

We spent our summer days underneath the trees in the park, having picnics, going to the fair, swimming in the lake, eating at the bakery, taking a pottery class because he claimed it helped focus the mind, visiting all the tourist sites because I was technically a tourist, going to movie theaters and not exactly watching the movie, we were busy doing other things... Mainly tossing popcorn at each other which made Harry feel guilty so we always stayed after the movie to clean up our mess.

He was my first everything.

My first kiss, first love, first time.

Yes, we were only together for two months but I loved him. I wanted to be with him forever. But like all good things, they come to an end.

My family went back to the states after summer was over and I was starting college, a new life.Which meant I wouldn't see Harry anymore.We tried keeping in touch but there was a time zone difference and I was busy with school while he was busy with work. We eventually just drifted apart.

I hadn't seen him in 7 years so you can imagine how surprised I was when I seen him walk into the coffee shop that I stop at in my way to work.

He was looking down at the newspaper in his hands, making me question rather or not it was him. I mean, he has to be 24 years old now and everyone I know checks the news on their phone so there's no way that could be-

He looked up at the barista and smiled, beginning to order his coffee with that slow deep voice I loved so much. It's gotten so much deeper.

I stood up from the table I was at and made my way over to him, patiently waiting for him to finish ordering before I interrupted him.

"Thank you so mu-" He said to the lady only before he turned and bumped into me. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't-..." He bent down to pick up my phone that fell then looked up at me, stopping his sentence short. "Hi. Holy shit, I mean, hi, I mean, wow... Hi." He stammered over his words as he stood back up and looked at my phone that was in his hand. "I'm sorry, did I crack it?"

"No! Those were already there." I said, reaching for my phone, my hand brushing against his and electricity shot all the way up my arm.

"Oh. Then I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm so clumsy.. You already knew that. Wow.. Hi." He blushed.

"Hi. You can stop saying hi now." I giggled and watched his cheeks get even darker.

"Sorry. I'm just- I wasn't expecting to see you, obviously. You look good." He said.

"Thank you." I smiled. "I was wondering if it was actually you or not so I just took my chances. What are you doing here?"

"I'm in town for business." He said.


"Yeah, I'm opening up my own company." He shrugged.

"Oh." I gaped. "You studied business? I thought you weren't planning on going to college."

"I wasn't but the old lady who's bakery I used to work at passed away and she left me in her will since none of her grandchildren came to visit her when she was sick. So I got the bakery and a lot of her savings that weren't spent on her funeral... She had money saved up since she was 14, every penny she ever made went straight to her account. I didn't plan on spending it on myself at all actually but my mum said I should use the money to go to college and I did. I always wanted to study business so I got my degree and now am the proud owner of W. Mandeville bakery and soon to be CEO of Styles Industries." He smirked.

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