Sweet Sounds

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"My family isn't going to care that you're younger than me, stop worrying." Edward said to me as he placed his hand on my thing and drove up the hill to his family's vacation house.

The skirt I was wearing barely reached above my knee and debated changing outfits twenty times before we left Edward's apartment this morning but he told me that I looked fine and I really hoped that was true.

I also hope the outfits I packed are appropriate, I want to look a little older than I do considering that Edward is six years older than me.

"You don't know that." I sighed. "You should have told them or gave them a heads up at least."

"What difference does it make? They know I'm brining my girlfriend, shouldn't have to announce your age." He said.

"Besides, it's not like it's a huge difference and you're really wise for your age."

Maybe he's right, maybe shouldn't be panicking. Edward is 26 and I'm 20, it's not that big of difference. But I'm meeting his sister, her fiancé, his mum, his aunts, his cousins, and his uncles. His mother is throwing a family gathering and making a big dinner this weekend so I'm not just meeting his immediate family.

"I guess." I mumbled.

"And tonight it's just my mum, Gemma, and her fiancé. Everyone else is coming tomorrow so you have time to prepare." He said.

The house he pulled up to looked grand and we were only at the gate. He punched the code in and drove all the way up the long driveway then parked the car next to one of the one already here.

"I'll grab our bags but let me open your door." He said to me and I nodded, smiling slightly at him.

He got out then walked around the car and opened my door for me. "Thank you." He grabbed the suitcases from the trunk and lead the way to the front door. Three simple knocks on the door and a lady answered.

"Edward! You made it, come in, come in!" She smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too mum." He smiled and wrapped his free arm around her. He kissed her cheek a few times then turned to introduce me. "This is Y/n."

She turned to look at me and her smile fell a little. "Oh... H-hi, dear." She stepped out of Edward's grasp and held her hand out to shake mine. "It's so nice to meet you."

"You too. I smiled.

Oh boy.

Gemma and her fiancé arrived a few moments later and Edward also introduced me to them. They also had the same reaction as Anne's. Not rude but not very pleasant to see me. They were... surprised.

Obviously expecting someone older.

"Well, Edward told us so much about you just not..." Gemma trailed off and Michal cut in for her.

"That you're a little younger than him." He smiled and laced his hand with Gemma's.

"She's not that much younger." Edward shrugged and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, come in everyone, get comfortable and make yourselves at home." Anne said as she closed the door behind everyone and locked it.

Gemma and Michal went up to unpack and Edward lead me to the room next to theirs.

"It's smaller than Gem's but she called dibs on the bigger room 10 years ago and never lets me forget it." He said.

"It's fine." It's so cozy in here.

He placed our bags next to the bed then turned to me. "I know that face, stop worrying." He gently said to me.

"I made a bad first impression." I frowned. "I told you, you should have warned them"

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