Maid In Manhattan

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Marcel Styles is the name of my boss that has a huge crush on me. He promised he wouldn't be unprofessional with me and he hasn't... He just tends to favorite me.

Last week, he wrote out my pay check but it was $2,000 more than it usually is and when I confronted him for it, he told me that I deserved a raise. I mean, I guess I shouldn't be complaining about having $2,000 extra dollars a month but it feels so wrong. None of the other employees got a raise otherwise they'd be raving about it in our locker room.

And I like Marcel. He has the whole package, he's handsome, sweet, rich, funny, successful, but he's my boss. To get involved with him would be messy. I could get fired if it doesn't end well and I need this job.

So I suppressed my feelings for him.I had to if I wanted to be professional.

But that all changed when I found a single rose inside of my locker. All of the other maids were getting into their uniforms and my locker was on the end so I left it inside of my locker and read the note attached to it: Your beauty is so bright and warm, shinning through the darkest storm. Your eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky. When I stare into them I feel like I am soaring high. My love for you is pure and true. I never stop thinking of you. It was signed, Your Secret Admirer but I knew it was Marcel.

I quickly got dressed and went outside to get my cart that I pushed towards the elevator. I clicked the button to go to the top floor, the penthouse. Where Marcel lives.

After a seemingly long ride up there, I arrived to the top floor and went to knock on his door.His assistant answered, looking very confused at my arrival. "I'm sorry, the cleaning service is scheduled for later on and Nancy usual handles it." He said.

"I know but I need to talk to Marcel, please." I smiled politely at him and he frowned.

"Mr. Styles is still in his room. May I ask what's the pressing issue that brought you up here?" He asked.

"It's a personal matter." I said. "May you please tell him that Y/n is here to discuss something with him?"

He discreetly rolled his eyes and stepped aside to let me in. "So you're the young lady that has him head over heels?" He asked. "I'm guessing you got the rose this morning?"

"You know about that?" I bit my lip as I stepped inside. His penthouse is beautiful. I mean, he's the CEO of the hotel but it's breathtaking.

"Who do you think put the rose in your locker?" He smirked. "I'll go get Mr. Styles." He walked up the grand staircase and was soon out of sight.

I stood at the entrance and patiently waited for him to return.

Soon Marcel came down in his pajama bottoms and plain black t-shirt which was a huge shock to me. I'm so used to seeing him in a suit. I've never seen him in anything else, not even on casual Friday's.

"Who do I owe the pleasure of seeing you this morning?" He smiled at me as he walked down the stairs.

"I guess your assistant... Marcel, you sent me a love letter." I bit my lip.

"It was a love poem and it was from your secret admirer." He smirk.

"Which would be you." I said. "Marcel, I thought we said that we would be professional about this. You said you wouldn't treat me any differently."

"I guess I favorite you a little... I never meant to make you uncomfortable, love." He admitted. "I can piss off, just say the words and I'll leave you alone."

I don't want him to leave me alone.

"It's not that you're making me uncomfortable, I just don't want this to get too out of hand." I sighed. "I really like you but you're my boss."

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