Your Child Walks In On You Two

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"Daddy look!" Darcy squealed, running into Harry's legs as soon as he entered through the front door.

"Careful, princess." He bent down to her level and picked her up, planting a kiss on her cheek. "What's got you so excited?"

"I drew a picture of me, you, mummy, and baby. Look." She held out her paper for him.

"You drew this?!" He dramatically asked, starring at the scribbles and outlines of stick figures on the page. "There's no way! This drawing was done by a professional, not my Darcy."

"No I did, daddy! Mummy gave me the crayons." She explained, giggling at his shocked expression.

"Wow, you're the best artist in the world. I have to frame this and put it in my studio so I can show all of my coworkers how talented you are." He smiled. "Where's mummy?"

"She's feeding baby." She pointed over to the living room and Harry couldn't help but smile. His littlest addition to the family, Sophie. She's 2 months old today and the cutest little thing he's ever seen- along with Darcy, his sassy little 3 year old.He made his way over to me as I was sitting on the couch, nursing Sophie on my chest. "Hi, love." He smiled down at me, placing Darcy on her feet so she could play with her toys on the floor. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I smiled, leaning into his touch before he peeked my lips and looked down at Sophie.

"Hi my little love. Are you eating again? When I left this morning you were nursing, is this how it's going to be now? Just sleep, boob, and repeat?" He teased, carefully leaning down to kiss her hair, causing her to look at him and smile, my nipple still halfway in her mouth. "Is that funny? You think daddy is funny, little one?" He smiled, holding his finger out for her to take and she did, wrapping her tiny hand around his entire finger.

"She's been nursing for 40 minutes now." I looked at the clock and Harry gasped, looking down at her.

"You're one healthy little bub aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are. Mummy's milk is very appetizing, isn't it? Make sure you save some for daddy though, he would like to see mummy's breast again." He smirked, looking up at me.

I rolled my eyes and gently shoved him away.

"Speaking of, we're passed our 6 weeks of no sex, the doctor gave us the clear 2 weeks ago." He said.

"I know but she just started sleeping through the entire night and I'm finally catching up on sleep." I mumbled.

"Exactly, she sleeps through the night now so we're good to go." He smirked.I sighed, removing Sophie from my chest and handing her to Harry so he could burp her. "I don't know Harry, I haven't exactly lost all of my baby weight."

"Love, you gave birth 2 months ago, I don't care how much you weight, you were keeping our baby safe, I'm not expecting you to have abs." He assured me.

"But with Darcy I was back in shape by now that you could hardly tell." I pouted.

"Hey, look at me." He cupped my cheek and turned me to look at him. "I think you're beautiful."


"No buts. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever met, I love you no matter what, I think I'd be a dick if I didn't. You were pregnant with my baby, love, there's nothing I love more in this world than you... Except for Darcy and Sophie but I love you way more because you gave them to me." He said. "So we're going to have sex tonight and I'm going to worship the hell out of you." He smirked just as Sophie let out a giant burp. "See? Sophie agrees."

"That was a big one." I gently patted her back and she cooed, gripping Harry's lushes curls. "Did you spit up on daddy's back?" I checked and sure enough she did, she always does. "You have very good aim."

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