Long Title, Sorry

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He likes you but you're dating one of his brothers and he hears you too have sex



Why does she have to be dating Edward? Is it a bad boy fetish or something?

If it is, I could be bad. Yeah. Just last week I didn't take the trash out when my mum asked me to. Of course I got yelled at... but it was worth the adrenaline.

I swear I could treat her so much better. They argue a lot anyways, he doesn't even deserve her.

Also not to shame my brother because we have the same face but I look better. Y/n and I would make a cuter couple.

And of course his bedroom is next to mine so I hear everything that they argue about, everything that they laugh at, and everything they say to each other when they have sex.

It's disgusting, really.

And I swear he does it on purpose. I mean, how hard can one girl take it? Surely not hard enough to bang his bed against the wall, repeatedly for 20 minutes straight.

So I try blasting my music to drown them out but after so long, it gets louder and louder.... And louder.

"You aren't the only one that lives here Edward!!" I hit the wall, hoping that the banging would stop. For awhile it did.

"I wish I was!" He shouted back and chuckled.

But then it started up again.

She should be screaming my name, not his. It would sound so much better rolling off of her lips.

I don't even know what she sees in him, I swear she came over two hours ago and they were arguing over him being high at school again and now this.

This is ridiculous. He's so lucky mum and Gemma aren't home.My mum doesn't tolerate his bullshit and always puts him in his place. But I know he sneaks her in, late at night when everyone's asleep- at least he thinks they are. And they'll go at it in his bedroom until they fall asleep.

And no, I don't lie awake listening to them so I can get off, it's just so annoying to know that she's with Edward and not with me...



How is it possible that my dweeb of a brother gets more ass than me?

Marcel's a geek. He's the nerdiest prude I know but apparently he's scoring more than on test because he has the hottest girl I know in his bedroom right now.

But that's not why I'm angry at him. No. You see, I was going to ask Y/n out. I really was. I paid this nerd to write down my feelings for her and everything so I could give it to her.

My plan was to put it in her locker, let her find it, tell me that she likes me too, and we basically live happily ever after right? Wrong.

Marcel asked her out in the library. While I was too busy screwing up the locker numbers and accidentally putting my fucking love letter in Rose Henry's locker. Now the annoying, pimple faced, four eyed geek thinks I like her.

She won't leave me alone either. You'd think a girl would take a hint after you repeatedly tell her you're not interested but no. She doesn't.

But who am I kidding? Marcel and I are polar opposites, she probably wouldn't have said yes if I asked her out anyways. I'm covered in tattoos and piercings while he looks like a baby angel that just arrived from heaven.

Despite us being identical- triplets. I stand out way more than Harry and Marcel.It's these stupid tattoos that I thought would make me look cool. Turns out I just look stupid. Girls only like me for them.

But the only girl that I want to like me is Y/n.

So now I have to listen to obnoxiously loud moaning... It's not from Y/n either. Because Marcel's room is right across from mine.

She can't be that good, can she? I've always wondered.I stumped across the hall, not being able to take this much longer. "Marcel, can you be any fucking louder?! The neighbors will complain!!" I violently pounded on his room door which clearly scared them because I heard a thump, a stumble, and a giggle.

The thump, probably from Marcel falling. The stumble, probably from him trying to get back up only to fall down again. And the giggle falling from the most beautiful girl in the worlds lips.

"We'll try to keep it down." He shouted back.I groaned, wanting to burst down his bloody door and take my princess away from him but I heard the softest voice say, "Sorry, Edward." Before giggling.

Of course she probably thinks I'm pathetic. I'm absolutely pathetic. I just wish I could turn back time and have the balls to hand her the fucking love letter myself.

What does she even see in Marcel? He's weird. Hell, if I knew she liked nerds, I would've dressed in suspenders and a bow tie to flirt with her.

I went back in my room, slamming the door behind me just as they started going at it again.I'm such a fuck up.

It all goes back to me not having the balls to giving her the letter. If I did, I'd be the one making her feel good right now.I'd be the one making her happy...



Why does the love of my life have to be with someone who looks exactly like me, but isn't me?Harry gets all the girls.

Y/n was the girl that I showed around school when she was new. The girl that didn't laugh at me when I made an absolute fool out of myself. The girl that didn't care if I dressed like a 1950s guy because I thought fashion was cool back then. The girl that genuinely likes me for me.

Not like every other girl that I know who's only nice to me so I can help them with their homework.

Now you're probably wondering, "Oh Marcel, where did you go wrong?" Let me tell you. I introduced her to my brothers.

Naturally they aren't total players so they obviously asked me if I was dating her before attempting to make their move. Harry was the only successful one.

He has the charm of a four leaf clover.

Now my James Dean of a brother is dating the only girl that's ever made my heart skip a beat.

So despite my growing brotherly hatred for Harry, I act as if it doesn't bother me when I see him with Y/n.

That I can pull off.

What I can't handle is hearing them be intimate together while in Harry's room that just so happens to be diagonal from mine.

Normally I would just drown them out with my essential work habits and classical music but no one else is home at the moment so there's nobody for me to talk to and it's killing me to hear her moan out his name.

So I padded across the hallway and softly knocked on his door. I'm sure they didn't hear me though, too occupied with other things.

"H-Harry?" I knocked a bit harder. Finally they stopped moaning.

"What is it, Marcel?" He groaned, clearly frustrated with me for having to stop what they were doing.

"I-.. I was trying to study and you two are being a bit too loud. Could you maybe... not be so loud?" I mumbled.

"Yeah. We're sorry." Harry called back but then his bed started squeaking and her moans started up again.

My eyes filled with tears as I made my way back to my room, grabbing my laptop and taking my work downstairs so I could finish studying.

I shouldn't have hesitated to ask her out months ago. I should've just went for it and maybe it would be me that had her in my bedroom.


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