Knock Please

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"Harry!" I called as I entered our shared home with my hands full of mail, a package, and a few empty water bottles that were in my car.

I put the bottles in the recycling and the mail on the counter next to the package. It has my name on it but I've ordered so much over the past few weeks, I don't even know what this is and the package is discreetly boxed.

I grabbed a pair of scissors and opened the package I ordered about a week ago, shocked that it got here so quickly.

I bought a sex toy. Specifically a vibrating wand.

"Harry?!" I called again, making sure he wasn't home. I quickly made my way upstairs with the vibrator and got batteries from our hallway closet.

"Baby, are you in here?" I poked my head in our bedroom and it was silent.

I wanted so desperately to try it out but when I ordered this, I intended for Harry and I to use it together for foreplay or something but with the day had and the damp patch in my underwear that was growing by the second just from the thought of using this later is making me want to use it now.

I went into my contact list and pressed Harry's name, waiting for him to pick up he didn't.

He always answers me unless he's swarmed with work or driving but I'm sure he'll call me back soon.

But not soon enough.

I have to try this now.

I unbuttoned my blouse and unzipped my skirt and let them both fall on the floor. I climbed onto the bed and scooted towards the middle of it.

Eight different settings.

I pressed the first one and gasped at how fast and hard it was vibrating. Each one was more intimidating than the last and the last two had thrusting motions which made me squeeze my legs together in anticipation.

I unhooked my bra and let it fall off of the bed and then finally pulled my underwear down my legs. I turned on the first setting and brought it down to my wet slit, letting the head of the wand coat with my wetness and the vibrations bring me to cloud nine. I just wanted to test it out, possibly put it back in the box after a few minutes so can experiment with Harry later but this felt too good to stop.

I pressed the second setting and arched into the toy because of how much stronger it felt. My head was spinning and my mouth hung unattractively open as propped myself up on my elbows so could watch how the head of the toy moved on the outside of my folds.

The head was small enough to push inside of me so slowly eased it in, trying to adjust to the girth of it. My walls welcomed the slightly thick toy and I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut and imagining it was Harry instead.

"Oh Harry," I whispered, collapsing back onto the bed. I swirled the tip inside and pushed it in further, trying my hardest to take more of it but it was too thick.

I gripped my bedsheets and whined, picturing Harry's face stuffed between my legs, lapping at my entrance like he was the other night.

"Harry... Harry... Harry." I panted, pressing the settings up to three and it was just slightly more faster, making my toes curl.

I wanted to try the thrusting motions but that was level 7 and 8 and three is already causing my clit to throb.

But I wanted to test the waters further so I went up to four and then five in a matter of seconds, not wanting to waste any time because can already feel my stomach tightening and my eyes were watering the more and more I rubbed circles around inside of me.

I switched hands with holding the wand so I can rub my clit with my right hand and thrust the wand with my left.

The pressure put on my clit made me arch into my own hand and I felt like I was floating.

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