You Fake It And He Finds Out

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"Oh God." Harry panted, rolling off of me and pulling the blanket over our naked bodies. "That was..."

"Yeah." I sighed, my body still slightly buzzed, I didn't even get to come.

"But something was off." Harry mumbled. "Love," He whispered, gently tugging me towards him before kissing my temple. "Did you... Did you cum?" He asked.

I bit my lip, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Because usually I feel it." His cheeks tinted pink. "And I didn't..." He mumbled. "Did you fake it? Oh God, was it me? I'm sorry, I tried holding off but you just feel so good." He rambled.

"No, no, no." I quickly stopped him. "You were fine it was me, I'm feeling a little off today. I pulled an all-nighter yesterday, I had 4 essays due, my boss yelled at me, I spilled coffee on my favorite shirt, and someone took the last donut from the break room at work. Today was just awful." I sighed, reaching for my shirt to pull over my head.

"Why didn't you say anything? We didn't have to-"

"I wanted to make you feel good. I know it's been a while since we've done anything. I just wanted this to happen." I mumbled.

"Baby," He sat up, pulling me into his chest. "You could've told me. I would have ran you a hot bath and cooked your favorite meal." He said, his lips grazing my neck. "I know it's been a while since we've done anything but I don't care about that, as long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"But I know you're horny." I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. "I heard you last night and this morning in the shower."


"It's not your fault." I finally looked up at him. "I think I'll be fine with a little night's rest and maybe a shower tomorrow morning." I began to lay back down to get comfortable but Harry hovered over me.

"I know something that'll make you fall right to sleep." He whispered against my cheek, his lips leaving a trail down to my collarbone before heading back up for my lips. "I promise I'll get you off this time."

"No, Harry, it's fine." I gently removed his hand from my breast. "Tomorrow." I offered to which he nodded to.

And let's just say, he definitely made up for it the next morning in our shower, and then again on our bathroom sink, then on our bed, and downstairs after breakfast.



I felt someone's arms snake around my waist before their lips landed on my neck. "Good morning, beautiful." Marcel's raspy morning voice filled the air.

"Good morning." I smiled, gently patting his arm before trying to release from his grip but he wouldn't let go. "Baby, I don't want to burn the bacon."

"Screw the eggs. We'll order breakfast from iHop." He mumbled, turning me around so that I was facing him. "Last night was fantastic." He smiled down at me before placing a kiss on my nose. "One of our best, I'd say."

"Yes, it was something." I fake smiled. I didn't want to hurt his feelings last night so I didn't tell him that I didn't get off. He was so into it trying something new. We've never done anything rough before. It's always slow and steady because Marcel claims that it's the proper way to make love but recently he's wanted to venture out and do other things so I finally gave into him and it wasn't it for me.

"So good. I don't know why we haven't done anything like that before." He smirked. "I'm so glad I let Edward convince me to do something out of the box."

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