He Can't Get It Up

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"I'm not drunk, promise.' Harry tried to convince me as he trailed behind me like a lost puppy back to our hotel room.

"You're not drunk?" teased as he nearly stumbled over his own feet.

He placed his hand on the wall to steady himself and giggled. "That happens even when I'm not drunk." He said.

I hummed, holding my hand out for him so he could have a little more balance.

We're just getting back from his friend's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was fun. We danced a lot, ate, and Harry drank and drank and drank. He was like a bottomless pit. I told him to pace himself because I know how he gets but he decided not to listen to me.

I sobered him up as much as I could there then called a cab to take us back to our hotel.

"Come with me." I laced my fingers with his and pulled him along with me to our room. He reached for the room card in his pocket and handed it to me.

I unlocked our room and gently pulled him inside and he wasted no time connecting his lips with mine.

Before the door even shut, he was pushing me against it and all I could taste on his lips was all the tequila he drank. He moaned, bending down to lift me up.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. "All day I was picturing what you'd look like in a white dress." He smiled against my lips.

"You could find out." I creased his cheek.

"I will find out. I'm marrying you and we're gonna move in together." He said.

"How romantic."

"And we'll have babies, lots and lots of babies." He slurred. "And they're all going to look like you."

"Oh, are they?" I went along with him and he happily nodded.

"I love you." He pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I said. "Can you put me down now?"

He pressed kisses on my cheek and whined. "Noooo, let's do it. Right against the door." He bumped his nose with mine and hovered his lips above mine.

"That's very scandalous. Are you trying to get us kicked out?"

"That won't be the only thing they're kicking us out for." He smirked.

"Harry, you can barely stand right now, I don't think having sex against the door Is in your agenda. Let's go to the bed and if you don't fall asleep as soon as we lay down, then we can." He placed me back on the floor and walked over to the king size bed in the room.

I gently pushed him down on it and crawled on top of him. His hands were all over me. On my waist, my bum, my back, my sides, up to my breast while I was kissing him. He gripped my breast in his palm, causing my mouth to open against his and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Our kiss was slowly getting steamier and steamier. He pulled the dress I had on, up over my hips and we parted for just a second as pulled it over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra- just nipple pads that he gladly peeled off for me.

My hips pressed down on his to relieve some of the arousal between my legs when I froze. stopped kissing him and slowly sat up.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

"I could ask you the same question." I wiggled my hips a little to emphasize the real issue here.

He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me on his lap. "Just keep kissing me, it'll happen."

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