Daddy in More Ways Than One

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"Jude, no running in the house, please." Edward said as he entered through the front door with our son's backpacks hanging off of his arm. He just picked Ben up from preschool, and Jude was at daycare.

"Daddy, can we play race car, please?" Ben asked Edward who set down their bags on the couch.

"Of course we can, I just have to put Jude down for nap, okay? Want to wait for me here? I'll put on Sponge Bob."

He turned the tv on and helped Ben get comfortable on the couch.

Now to find Jude, he was somewhere down the hall, probably rummaging through the laundry to find something to use as a cape. He loves pretending to be superman.

"Daddy! Look!" Jude squealed as he ran down the hall, holding a towel around his neck.

"I see, my little superhero. Are you ready for nap time?" He squatted down to Jude's level who pouted.

"Two more..." He held out his fingers to show Edward.

"You want two more minutes to play?" Edward asked and Jude nodded, smiling. "Okay but only but only two."

"I'm home!" I announced, as I walked through the front door.

"Mumma!" Jude came running towards me, crashing against my legs and I lifted him up.

"Hi." I pressed my lips to his cheek. "Where's daddy? Aren't you supposed to be going down for your nap, mister?"

"He wanted two more minutes and you know can never say no to his pouty little face " Edward said before leaning in to kiss me. "I missed you."

"I was called in for a four hour shift." I said.

"I know but that doesn't mean I wasn't lonely. There's a lot we could have done in four hours, love..." He smirked.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to make up for it." I patted his chest as I walked away with Jude in my arms to put him down for his nap.

The sight that I had of Edward with Ben from the kitchen made my heart swell up. they were playing with Ben's race cars, Ben's imagination is out of this world, he made noises for each of the cars and pretended they were talking to each other. Once they were bored with that, Edward gave him a piggy back ride around the living room, pretending to be a horse and making animal noises to entertain Ben.

Then they were having a tickle fight and watching more Sponge Bob. He's so good with children- especially our own. Last week we hosted Ben's play group at our house and there was about 12 four year olds here, it was insane to say the least but he handled everything. He only allowed me to help when he couldn't get them all under control enough to have their snack.

"No bath, please." Jude whined, reaching for Edward who lifted him out of his highchair.

"But you were at daycare today, bub. We need to wash away the germs." Edward explained to him. "Don't you want to have a bath with your brother? We can have a bubble party."

"Bubbles?" Jude curiously asked.

"Yeah, you like bubble baths. Daddy will even get in there with you if you want." He said and that made Jude excited.

Jude hates baths and Ben loves being clean so it's always trouble getting Jude in the bath and Ben out of the bath.

"And what about mummy?" I asked them.

"No mummy!" Jude frowned.

"Girls have cooties, mummy." Ben said to me and I ruffled his hair.

"Remember that when you're 16."

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