Dilf Part 2

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It's been four months since the first time Harry and I hooked up and I say first because we've hooked up so many times after that night.

I wanted it to be a one time thing, knew we couldn't go any further than sex because it would be weird to date my best friend's dad and I can't even begin to justify my actions to Darcy. I would be grossed out if it were the other way around and I wouldn't know what to say.

But each time I see him, my heart skips a beat and whenever Darcy steps out to make a call or I come over a tad bit early before she gets home, we're all over each other.

I feel so guilty whenever I look at her. I want to tell her SO bad but I could potentially ruin 19 years of friendship and I couldn't live with myself if did that.

I'll just have to find a way to break things off with Harry even if he is the best thing that's ever happened to me... in all aspects. I'm falling for him; hard. But I have to pull it together. No more alone time with Harry because that's when get weak in the knees and I can't think straight when he's around.

"Corduroy blue or light beige?" Darcy asked me and I had to snap myself out of my thoughts, trying to recall what the last thing she said was.

We're outside in the backyard, she has a booklet of paint samples in her hands and I closed my book that was in my lap that stopped reading 5 minutes ago.

"For what?"

"My room." She said. "I want to redo it since it's been awhile."

"The light beige." I said.

"That's what was thinking too." She hummed. "I'll ask my dad to pick up some paint for me. Sneaking of my dad, have you noticed he's been happy lately?"

"Your dad is always happy." I tried brushing off her comment but she shook her head.

"No, I mean, happier than usual. He's always singing and smiling. I opened my mouth to say something but she cut in, "More than usual. I think he's dating someone but he won't tell me." She said.

"Your dad is dating someone? That's weird!" Okay, dial it down.

"I know, he's always texting someone now, he's always listening to love songs, and I overheard him making dinner reservations at Berners Tavern. My dad hates fancy restaurants and I highly doubt he's taking me there for dinner so, the question is, who is he taking?" She smirked.

"You're up to something." I cautiously said.

"Maybe... I just worry I guess. He's never really dated anyone and I want to know her intentions. There had to be a reason why he's not telling me, right? What if she's like way older than him or something or what if she has a bunch of kids? Can you imagine them all moving in? The house would be hectic and I would definitely start looking for my own place." She said.

"I don't think-"

"Or what if she's way younger than him and she's like a gold digger, waiting to sink her claws in his wallet. My dad is too nice of a guy, he would never see it coming."

"Maybe she's his age and perfectly normal." I added before realizing I was only adding fuel to the fire. "Or maybe your dad is just happy. He doesn't need to be in a relationship to be happy, he's a happy go lucky guy naturally."

"Maybe you're right. Besides, if it was serious, he would tell me. I shouldn't pry, I should let him tell-"

An overwhelming wave of nausea hit me, making me cover my mouth in case my breakfast from earlier decided to to make a reappearance on their outdoor furniture. I had try not to think about being sick to calm down my stomach and that's when Darcy stopped talking.

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