Vampire Edward

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"I will snap your bloody neck in half if you even think about touching her again, got it?" Edward threatened my boss that he had pinned against the wall by his neck after I told him that he's been sexually harassing me.

I didn't want to tell Edward because I knew he would blow it out of proportion like this but my boss grabbed my waist while he was behind me today and pressed up against me, claiming it was because he couldn't reach what was on the top shelf and he needed a little support. I felt violated. Plus, he's been making sexual comments every now and then that I usually brush off but today was the last straw.

The only reason that I don't quit is because I need this job and I'm waiting for the other places that I put in for to call me back, so far, nothing so I'm stuck here.

"I swear, I won't hesitate to kill you." He practically growled at him, his eyes growing veins underneath them.

I gently placed my hand on Edward's back, bringing him back to reality so he wouldn't choke my boss to death.He turned to me, instantly calming down but he still didn't let go of his throat.

"Edward," I warned him so that he wouldn't rip my boss to shreds. "Can we leave now?"He released his grip and dropped the man to the floor. "If she mentions that you even so much as look at her wrong, I'll-"

"Edward." I gave his arm a harsh tug and exited out of the back door. Luckily it was night and the coffee shop was closed so it was just us there with my boss but I don't want a murder scene right in the kitchen.

Once we were out in the cold night air, he shrugged off his jacket and gave it to me to put over my work uniform.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

He gently kissed my forehead before reaching to link hands with me. "He's a perverted arsehole. And that's saying something coming from me." He groaned. "This is another reason I don't want you working there." He huffed.

"Well I can't just quit my job." I rolled my eyes.

"I told you a million times, you can just live with me." He said. "I have more than enough money to support the both of us. Trust me, sweetheart, I can't spend all of my money in a lifetime and I've tried. I've had about 4 lifetimes now and I'm still getting money from my dad's school of super naturals."

That's true.

"Plus, you spend 5 out of 7 nights at my place anyways." He stated. "Please just make it permanent. You can quit your job and look for another one and you can pay me in love making." He smirked down at me.

"You're a pig." I huffed at his words.

"I didn't mean it like that, baby. You know you mean so much to me..." He lifted up my chin so I could look at him. "I'd do anything for you." He whispered. "I'll even compel one of those dumb store managers to hire you if it makes you feel better." He leaned in closer to my lips but I put my fingers in front of mine so that he kissed my hand. "You tease." He groaned.

"I'll think about moving in with you but no compelling. I want to do this on my own." I smiled, turning to continue walking again.

He followed behind me, our hands still laced together as we continued our walk home. "Fine." He mumbled. "I'll let my little human handle things the way she wants." He bit his lip as he looked me up and down. "But if your boss ever steps out of line again, I'm going to break every bone in his body."

"I know you will." I said. I wouldn't be surprised if he went back tomorrow to kill him. Edward is very possessive but I think it's sweet... To a certain extant. When we first started dating, he broke one of my male classmate's neck because he asked me if I wanted to get some coffee with him sometime.

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