Sugar Daddy

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If you couldn't tell by the title, I'll be using the word Daddy so if you're not into that, don't read.


I typed in the code to the front gate of my beloved home that I've been living in for 4 months now.

Seven bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms, two theater rooms, an added on office, 4 walk in coat closets, an indoor sauna, a huge gazebo outside next to the pool and jacuzzi, a dinning room with a ceiling so high, you can barely see where it stops, a kitchen that looks like it belongs in a restaurant, a living room that's bigger than my old crumby apartment that I used to stay in, and a pantry the size of a regular bedroom.

Now, my life wasn't always this glamorous. I used to be a waitress down at IHOP, barely making enough to pay bills. Not only did I have to worry about my living arrangements, but I was also trying to pay off some of my debts that I was in, saving up all my tips to do so and I still barely scraped by every month.

My life changed one rainy day when I was working a double shift, covering for my coworker that was out "sick" but I don't regret it because that's when I met him.

Harry Edward Styles.

He was dressed way too nicely to be sitting in an IHOP for lunch but nonetheless, I took his order, dealt with his flirting the whole time, and nearly told him to leave when he groped my arse on "accident" when I was refilling his water.

He was older than me. That was obvious to anyone. I'm 19, he's 35, practically old enough to be my dad (if he had me in high school) so it was highly inappropriate when he asked me out to dinner with him.

For one, I was working and flirting with the customers is a giant no, and two, he's too old for me.I had no other choice but to decline him, unfortunately he didn't stop there. He came in every day for a week after that, tipping off the other employees to get me to bust the table he was at. It was beginning to create an issue despite the other waiters enjoying the $1,000 tip he gave them.

So I gave into him. I said I would let him take me out on one date and that would be it... Or at least I thought.

That night, he took me dancing, somewhere where it didn't look so bad for me to be dancing with an older man and that night ended in me seeing fireworks.I've been attached to him every since.

So we dated for a few months, got to know each other until he approached me with...

"Baby, how many times do I have to tell you? You don't need to work anymore, you're with me now." Harry's thumb creased my knuckles as we sat at the booth in the back."I can't have you pay everything for me, Harry. It's not your responsibility. Besides, I'm doing perfectly fine here. I got promoted yesterday." I smiled.

"That's good." He hummed.

"It is." I agreed. "Now I'm assistant manager."

We ate for a bit in silence, him admiring me while I munched on the bread rolls. "Have you considered what I asked you yet?" He asked, breaking the silence between us.

"About us living together?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he nods. "Yes I have... and I think it's too soon."


"We've only been together for five months, Harry." I stated.

"And they've been a wonderful five months." He smiled.I sighed, not really knowing how to approach this. I really like him. He's a bit too old for me, yes but he doesn't have any children so I don't have to worry about being a stepmom. We've only known each other for a handful of months- not even a year and he's asking me to move in with him.

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