Vampire Harry

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"Thank you so much for coming, Harry, it's nice to know that there aren't just creeps out there for my daughter." My mom smiled, reaching to shake Harry's hand but he pulled her into a hug.

"Of course. Y/n told me about your chocolate pie, I had to come witness it myself. It was delicious by the way." He smiled as he pulled away from her.

"Thank you. You're welcome to come over anytime you need." My mom smiled back at him as I entwined my fingers with his, getting his attention again.

"Well, we're going to go. We both have a big English test tomorrow." I pressed my lips in a thin line, wanting to grab Harry by his shirt and kiss him already but I couldn't do that in front of my mom. He knew what he was doing when he picked me up wearing a blazer and his favorite cologne that he knows I can't get enough of. "Bye, I love you." I quickly kissed my mom's cheeks before tugging Harry out of the door with me.

"It was really nice to meet you Mrs. Y/l/n." Harry waved, chuckling quietly because he knew just how turned on I was for him.

"You too Harry. Drive safe and please text me when you get back to your dorm Y/n." My mom said.

"I will." I waved as Harry opened his car door for me and I got in on the passenger side.

Once we were out of the driveway and my mom was no longer standing on the porch, I turned to Harry and pressed multiple kisses to his cheek.

"I'm driving, baby." He smiled.

"I know." I sighed, pulling away to look at him. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was holding my hand. So I played with his fingers, kissed his knuckles and the back of his hand to occupy myself.

I think I'm in love with Harry. We've only been dating for 5 months and they've been wonderful- that's why my mom wanted to meet him. She listens to me go on and on about how perfect he is and tonight she finally understood what I was talking about.

He's the perfect gentleman in every single aspect and he's the sweetest person I've ever met.

"Do you think she knew?... I mean, she had to invite me in and she didn't put any garlic in the food- which I told you was a myth by the way." He bit his lip as he turned to look at me before turning back to look at the road.

"I didn't tell her anything." I promised.

"Do you think she liked me? I feel like I came on too strong but I wanted to impress her." He said.

"Harry, she likes you." I assured him. "She gave you her pie recipe and she doesn't just give that out to anyone." I said.

"It was really good." He smiled. "And I want her to like me especially with how things are going between us." He gently squeezed my hand and lifted it up to his mouth to kiss my knuckles.

"I didn't tell her about us moving in together." I said.

"Baby, the whole point of us visiting your mom was so you could tell her." He mumbled.

"I know but I didn't want to dump it on her so soon, I mean, she just met you and technically I'm not moving in, I'm just bringing a few of my things to your place." I stated.

"And you stay there five nights out of seven." He sarcastically said. "I don't know why you don't just move in permanently. It'll be less expensive than paying the school for a dorm."

"Because the money is none refundable and I already paid for this semester so I can't get my money back." I sighed. "Besides, it's too early in our relationship for us to move in together right now."

"Sweetheart, I'm a vampire." He smirked. "Time is irrelevant to me. Everything either feels too soon or too slow."

"Well I'm human and five months is way too fast." I said. "Trust me, I don't want to rush anything with. We can wait at least a year then we can think about moving in together then whenever we decide to get engaged, we can start looking for a house together but that could be at least 6 years from now. I want to graduate college first and start my career and that's if we decide to stay together. I know you can't have any kids and you'll never grow old but if this goes well, I'd say we get married by the time I'm 27."

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