So You Like It Rough

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Daddy warning


I continued playing with the ends of Harry's hair as he continued to thrust in and out of me at a slow paste. He left a few hickeys on my breast but not too dark. They'll probably wear off by the morning.

"Am I hurting you, baby?" He asked, gently kissing my forehead with a slight squeeze of my hips.

"No, you're fine." I mumbled but what I really wanted to say was, "Can you please go harder!"

With his head in the crotch of my neck, panting in my ear before letting out a deep moan as he came into the condom, I finished only seconds after.

He rode out both of our highs then pulled out to clean us up. "You're amazing." He smiled, kissing my temple as he found a pair of boxers to put on and an oversized shirt for me.

"Yeah." I mumbled, curling over to my side, he eventually wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back, against his chest.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, creasing my arm.

"Nothing. I'm just tired, you really wore me out." I sighed.

"I could say the same for you." He chuckled. "Did you want to take a bath before bed? Because I can go run one for you."

Do you see how sweet and gentle he is? It's a bit annoying sometime. I mean, fon't get me wrong, I love that about him but I want to see a rougher side to him. Nothing's wrong with getting a little kinky sometimes.

"No thanks, just want to sleep." I halfheartedly said."Well something's bothering you. Tell me, I won't get mad at you, I promise." He sweetly smiled, kissing my cheek. Of course he's being sweet. When isn't he?

"I know you won't and that's the thing that's bothering me." I suddenly snapped at him, immediately regretting it.

"What? What do you-"

"You're a sweetheart, Harry. A little too sweet. And I don't wanna change that because that's what I love about you but you know, in the bedroom you can be a bit more aggressive." I groaned.


"Yes, don't be afraid to be rough sometimes. Not that I don't like making love to you because I do, I love slow and passionate sex but it'd be nice to switch it up a bit." I sighed, seeing how his facial expression turned from happy to confused in the dimly lit room.

"You want me to be rough?" He seemed to be asking a rhetorical question so I didn't answer. "That's what you're upset about? All you had to do was tell me. I've thought about it before but I didn't wanna accidentally hurt you."

"Well, maybe we should. Making slow passionate love is a bit boring. Not that I don't like it! It's great but we should try other things." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Thanks for telling me. We can try your way next time." He sighed, turning over on his side to go to sleep.

I think I upset him. I didn't mean to tell him this way! I was planning on bringing it up the next time we we're in the mood, just to get him even more riled up but no, I ruined it.

I ruin everything. He probably hates me now and I don't want that, he's my sweetheart.

The next few days passed in a blur. I hardly remember doing anything but lounging around and barely seeing Harry. He's just been busy doing who knows what. Luckily I've distracted myself enough with chores around the house so I wouldn't focus on what I told him a few days ago. He hasn't acted on it yet and I have a feeling he won't anytime soon.

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