Wet Dreamz

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If you know the song by J. Cole then, you know.


Edward's Pov

Math class. I hate this class with a passion. My teacher, Mr. Green is the oldest teacher to ever work. I seriously think he's at least 96 but he won't retire. The only thing I like about this stupid class is her.

Y/n Y/l/n.

She sits right next to me and we always joke about almost everyone in the class but of course the dinosaur, Mr. Green hates laughter so that's when we started passing notes.

It's so old school, I know but I think that's what drew me to her in the first place. She's not like every other girl at this school, she's different- in a good way. After passing notes to each other, back and for about three weeks, she wrote her number on the piece of paper with a tiny heart next to it and my heart stopped beating for a solid 10 seconds.

Holy shit. This girl likes me.

She likes me. She wouldn't just give her number out to anyone, especially with a heart next to it. My hand dropped to my pocket and without even thinking, I texted her my name with a blue heart emoji.

I never used an emoji in my entire life yet I text her a heart.

I slowly began to like math class after that. It was the one of the few things I looked forward when I went to school. Getting baked in the parking lot during lunch was one of them, Y/n was another, and math was the third.

With Y/n sitting next to me, she offered me help whenever she noticed I was stuck on a problem and my grade slowly went up to a C+. She texted me everyday after school. Sometimes she would ask if I could walk with her home, other times, she would send me pictures of her dog, and of course we talked about math. Math homework, the people in our math class, what we were going to do about the math test we had every week until finally she asked the golden question: Have you ever had sex before?

I was upstairs in my room when I got the notification and immediately went to the one person on this earth that I trust the most, Harry. I would go to Marcel but God knows he's a prude.

"What do I say?" I panicked as I paced around his room.

"Lie about it. Seriously, even if you told her you're a virgin I doubt she'll believe you. Every girl at school practically worships the ground you walk on." He said.

"Shit, you're right." I mumbled.

Of course I had sex before.

I'm like a pro, baby.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. "I told her I was a pro." I groaned. What's wrong with my fingers and impulsively typing to her?

"You're in deep shit." Harry chuckled from his bed and I reached for his pillow to toss at him when my phone beeped again.

You're a pro? Think you can show me sometime?

My mom's gone for the weekend. Be here Saturday.

It's Thursday. I have two days to live up to my own expectations that I just set for myself.

Without saying anything else to Harry, I rushed to my bedroom and locked the door. I need to practice. I need to have all of the facts down. I need to buy condoms. I need to watch porn.-Saturday morning, I went to the store to get condoms then went on a bloody jog to take my mind off of things. She texted me to come over around 2 so I have a little over 4 hours to calm myself down.

I practiced putting on condoms. I practiced stroking. The only thing I need to do is pray that I don't come too fast and hope she doesn't think I'm not as big as her previous lover. She told me she wasn't a virgin as well so I have to compete with the lad that had her first.

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