A fantasy Lived Out Part 2

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Harry's Pov

After shamelessly have a tug in the boy's bathroom for 25 minutes, I stepped into the halls, flustered.

It'd be odd if I showed up halfway through 2nd period with no explanation as to why I'm so late. "Oh, you know, I was just causally getting myself off to the thought of my English teacher going down on me, then me eating her out, then having sex on her desk. The usual." Of course not!

Then again, there's a substitute so I'm sure I won't get questioned too much.

Still completely out of it, I started walking towards my History class, enjoying the sensation of just having two orgasms because that's just how worked up I was.

"Harry?" I heard my name being called by an all too familiar voice at the end of the hallway. Fuck my life.

Should I keep walking? Should I make a run for it? I'm more than positive that she seen my boner before I left the classroom. She probably just wants to talk about "things" but-

"Harry! I need to talk to you." She somehow caught up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think there's anything to talk about. I'm sorry I'm not paying attention in your class but I'll do better, I promise." I huffed, shaking her off of me.

"That's not what I meant." She sighed, taking my hand in hers and pulling me to her classroom. "Come with me."

The mere thought of just being in here less than an hour ago, having a wet dream about her, makes my head spin.

"I'm already late for class, I really don't have time for-" She cut me off by pushing me against the door and bringing my head down so I could kiss her.

I'm. Not. Dreaming.I repeatedly pinched my thigh just to make sure. "What are you doing?" She giggled, pulling away from me.

"Can you slap me?" I asked, bringing her own hands up to my face.

"Why would I do that?"

"I want to make sure I'm not dreaming." I mumbled, my cheeks were probably redder than a tomato by now.

She smiled and leaned up to kiss me again before squatting down right in front of my crotch. "If you were dreaming, would I do this?" She started unzipping my pants.

I gulped, watching her hands tug my pants all the way down before palming me through my boxers, causing me to gasp. "Well, I-I'm not sure... This is how many of my dreams about you start."

She stood back up and ran her fingers through my hair, "Harry, you aren't dreaming." She lips started pressing kisses to my neck and I sighed. "So, what exactly do you dream about? Just us going at it on my desk or-"

"No, well, yes but it's mind blowing.... Actually mind blowing that I usually wake up to stained boxers and sweaty sheets. I've wanted to do this for so long." I mumbled, brushing the tiny piece of hair that fell in from of her face and not even caring if I just confessed the most embarrassing thing to her.

"I think I've always knew. I see a few other boys drooling over my breast but you always have that little daze in your eyes that's just-... Sexy." She mumbled, creasing my cheek. "I'll take care of you baby boy.

"I almost moaned out loud when her hand made contact with my budge before slipping my boxers down my legs. "I um-... I don't have a condom."

"I'm on birth control." Oh, just like my dream. "Must be your lucky day, Harry." She smirked,

I nod and she walks me over to her desk, sliding the paperwork to the side before sitting on top. I started kissing her again, my fingers slowly sliding down to unbutton her top.

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