The Affair

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"Good morning Ms. Y/l/n." I looked over to see my neighbor, Harry checking his mail.

"Good morning." He's so handsome. Total eye candy. Truth be told, I've had a crush on Harry since I first moved here but he's married with a child, an adorable 4 year old who sold me the best girl scout cookies I ever tasted. So I restrain myself, respecting that he's off limits.

"Have a good day at work." He smiled.

"You too." I waved as I got in my car.


I stopped to get dinner from my favorite restaurant after work, figuring that I needed to reward myself after the week I had with my boss being an absolute jerk.I'm going to take a nice long bubble bath and watch Maid in Manhattan.

I put my dinner on the stove and headed upstairs to my loft to run my bath, stripped all of my clothes off and was about to pour soap in the water when someone rang my doorbell.

Who could be at my door at 8 o'clock at night?

I grabbed my robe and tied it around me before heading downstairs to answer the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, looking through the peep hole.

"It's Harry."

I opened the door, seeing a soaking wet Harry standing on my porch.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you." He said. "But I was making cookies and I ran out of butter." He continued. "Now I know it's kind of old fashion to ask your neighbor to borrow an ingredient but the roads are flooded and I already started my first batch... I mean, you know how you can't just make 6 cookies." He said.

"Yeah of course." I said. "You can come in." I stepped aside to let him in.

"Thank you so much, I was making them for my wife, she's coming back from a business trip tomorrow and I wanted to surprise her..." He smiled.

"Oh." I bit my lip, heading to the kitchen. His wife.

He's baking his wife cookies.

"Yeah her favorite is chocolate chip." He said.

"Isn't everyone's?" I teased.I handed him a stick of butter and tightened the strings on my robe.

"Was I interrupting something?" He gestured to my robe.

"Oh no, I-"

"I'll be out of your way as soon as possible, I'm sorry." He said.

"No, no one is here. I'm all alone. I was just about to take a bath." I explained.

"A beautiful young lady like you is spending her Friday night alone?" He asked.

"Well my invisible boyfriend is obviously here." I sarcastically said.

"Oh silly me, let me get out of your way then." He teased. "I should probably go, I have cookies in the oven." He said. "But I'll see you around?"

"Definitely." I said.

He walked out the front door, his back muscles could be seen through his shirt, looking as sexy as ever.

I gulped, going over to lock the door behind him. His stupid wife is so lucky. He's as handsome as he could be and he's the sweetest person in the neighborhood.I've never once seen his wife step foot out of the house besides when they were on their way to a fancy party or wherever the hell they were going, now all of a sudden she has business trips? Since when? You know what, it's none of my business.

I went back up stairs to take my bath for 40 minutes then heated up my food and ate it in front of the television, cried a bit even though I knew how the movie was going to end when there was another knock on my door.

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