Money Maker

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Sugar daddy Marcel


"Good morning my sweet, caring, gentle, hard working boyfriend whom I love so much." I smiled at Marcel as he came downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

"You're up early." He stated.

"What are you talking about? I'm always up early." I smiled.

"Yeah, to shop." He said. "I thought you would have left already and instead you're here... cooking." He looked me up and down.

I had on an apron with just my bra and his boxers on underneath. "I wanted to make you breakfast, I told the chef to take the day off, I hope that's okay." I sweetly batted my eyes at him and he bit his lip, carefully looking over me.

"What do you want and how much does it cost?" He frowned.

I rolled my eyes then went back to scrambling the eggs on the stove. "Can't I just wake up early and cook for you without you assuming I want something in return? I love you, that's why I'm doing this." I innocently said.

"You don't want anything?" He sounded so shocked and I had to say, I was a little offended.

"I just want to make you happy." I said.

He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my torso, he leaned his neck against my shoulder and gently kissed my cheek.

"You make me happy everyday." He whispered. "Thank you for breakfast, sweetheart but I'll take it to go, have errands to run."

"I want to come with you." I said.

"They're boring." He said. "Trust me, you'll have more fun here at home or out shopping.'

"You're encouraging me to shop?" I asked. He always complains that his credit card bill is too high and that should stop buying things don't need.

"It would be more normal than you offering to spend the day with me.' He chuckled.

I sighed and fixed him a plate of food then myself some. "Fine." I handed him his food so he could 'take it to go' and I sat at my usual chair to begin eating alone.

He watched me for a little before coming to the dining room and sitting across from me. "Why are you upset? They're just errands, love." He gently said.

"I'm not upset." I shrugged, clearly upset and avoiding to address it. ....I'm going to the bank, the office, and then I have a business meeting that I have to attend, you can tag along if you absolutely want to." He said and I pretended to think about it but when I looked at him, I couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" I bit my lip. I just wanted to spend the day with him and now I could.

"You can go anywhere you want."

"I want to be wherever you are." I said sweetly.

So we left the house a little after noon and took the Bugatti. The errands he had to run were pretty tedious and I should have stayed home because one hour into it, was bored out of my mind.

Marcel just got back into the car after coming out of the bank and was piking my nails out of pure boredom, "Next, the office. You can sit in the car when we get there if you want. I just have to get a few documents and print out a few things."

"Then can we go to the movies? There's a new one playing that I think you'll like-"

"Then I have a meeting." He interrupted me. "I told you that I would be doing boring things today and you still wanted to join me so you have to go to all of them with me." He said.

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