Modern day Gomez and Morticia Addams

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He hated my music.

He hated the way I dressed.

He hated that I wore excessive eyeliner.

He hatred that I dyed my hair all black.

And I hated him.

Edward Styles made my life a living hell. I'm not sure why but he did. He made up rumors about me having herpes and a secret tiny weenie, resulting in every boy cowering away from me. Many people often came up to me and asked me to cast spells for them because apparently I was a witch that understood black magic according to Edward spreading more rumors.

I hated his guts. Which leads to now, my cousin is throwing a party at his house so I came over to have a good time only so far I'm not, because he's here.

He's been making eyes at me all night. He bumped into me in the kitchen, purposely might I add and he's been shooting daggers at me ever since.

"Perk up, buttercup." My cousin gently elbowed my arm. "What's got you so down?"

"The fact that you invite over two hundred people to your house every year for your birthday and I just so happen to bump into the one person I hate." I huffed. "How do you know Edward anyways?"

"Which Edward?" He frowned.


"He's not that bad, he doesn't have a filter but he's honest, a little too honest sometimes." He said. "Maybe he doesn't hate you as much as you think, just try talking to him."

"I'd rather cut my tongue off." I rolled my eyes.

"Then you better get scissors because he's walking over here." He smiled.

I turned and not even a second later, Edward was right in front of me. "Happy Birthday Devin." Edward did a handshake thing to my cousin before he turned to me. "Do you want to dance with me, Y/n?" He smirked.

I was shocked to say the least, he never acknowledged me before unless it was to shoot insults my way. I opened my mouth to protest against him but my cousin gave my shoulder a gentle push towards Edward. "She would love to dance with you.

"Edward gripped my hand, smiling down at me before taking me into the living room where everyone was dancing.

I started off at least 3 feet apart from him, so far away that it didn't even look like we were dancing together but with time, I began to loosen up a bit and lean in closer.

"You know, we should be at least within 6 inches of each other." Edward said.

"Technically, I should be at least 6 meters away from you." I mumbled.

"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Because you're an asshole." I stated.

"I can be an asshole in more ways than one, sweetheart." He smirked, pulling me closer to him, his right hand resting right above my bum. "You have no idea."

I rolled my eyes, dropping my hands before attempting to turn away from him but he twirled me back around, our eyes meeting for a split second but it felt like eternity.

What am I saying? I don't like Edward, do I?

He twirled me around, making me do a 180 degree spin, my back now pressing to his chest. I could feel how hot his breath was as he leaned in close to my ear. "But if you're willing to find out, just let me know."

I huffed, suddenly feeling very flustered. "In your dreams." I mumbled.

"Maybe." He chuckled, gently swaying us back and forth. "But you haven't pushed me away yet." He held out my left arm, his fingers dancing along my skin. "Mind if I kiss you like Gomez kisses Morticia?" He whispered.

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