Not a Four Eyed Freak

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"It's okay, I have another pair at home." Marcel assured me after I took one look at his broken glasses in his hands.

"No, it's not okay. Who did this?" I frowned.

"It doesn't matter, he was just being a jerk and said a few inappropriate things..." He mumbled.

I took the broken frames in my hands and placed them in the small part of my backpack. "Did you bring your contacts with you today?"

"No but I'll be fine. I'll just have to drive extra slow." He shrugged.

"Oh no you don't. I'll drive us home. There's no way I'm gonna risk you getting in a car crash." I reached my hand out for his keys and he sighed.

"But you don't have your license yet." He pouted.

"You've been teaching me, I think I can drive us from here to your house. Now your keys." I wiggled my fingers.

He hesitantly placed them in my hand and gripped my other one. "If you crash my car, I'm not kissing you for a week."

"Then I should get as many in as I can right now." I winked and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"You're hinting that you're gonna-" I quickly tugged him to the parking lot before he could finish his sentence.

Not many people were out here seeing as we're seniors and have a free last period so only a few people were in the parking lot other than the security guard.

"Don't be so nervous." I said, unlocking his car with the keys.

"This is so nerve wrecking. Please don't hurt Jerry."

"Jerry?" I giggled. I climbed in and buckled my seat belt then adjusted the mirrors.

"Yes, Jerry. I just got him washed."

We managed to make it to his house alive, with him lecturing me about not parking straight so that added 5 minutes of us in the driveway, bickering then another 5 minutes kissing because he looks so hot when he's angry and I couldn't resist.

But when we made it to the front door without looking suspicious even though his neighbor was outside and was probably observing us the whole time, I pressed him against the door and started kissing a trial down his neck.

"Y/n..." He mumbled. "You're so impatient." He teased.

"And you're irresistible." I stated, lightly biting down on the spot above his collarbone that makes him shiver.

He closed his eyes and started fiddling with the keys and the doorknob, trying to find the keyhole. "Must you give me a boner in front of my neighbors." He whimpered, gesturing over to the older male that was watering his garden and subtly peeking over his fence to check on us. "He'll tell my mum."

"Well, if you open the door, we can carry this on inside." I lowered my voice to sound seductive and he quickly turned around to unlock the front door.

I giggled as he stumbled inside, nearly tripping over his feet in the process and pulled me in with him.

He pressed a few quick peeks to my lips before pulling away and creasing my cheek. "As fun as it is to fool around with you, we have homework."

"You're no fun." I pouted up at him.

"There has to be at least one responsible person in a relationship." He winked. "I'll go get my glasses." He started walking upstairs.

That's when I remembered that I had his broken glasses in my backpack so I took them out and examined them a little further. The lenses weren't shattered but one was out of place and the rims were twisted.

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