Friends Don't Know The Way You Taste

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Daddy warning. (a little)


Edward Styles is my best friend. That's all we are, friends.

It's been that way since high school but that doesn't mean there isn't chemistry between us. Of course there's bound to be some sexual tension between two people who spend a lot of time together and have history but we've never acted on it. It would be too weird.

So when he asked me to go to Miami with him for the weekend to help him get over his recent ex, I couldn't say no.

"What exactly are we going to do in Florida this weekend? And don't say party because we could have done that at home." I said as the plane landed and people were descending the plane.

Edward grabbed my backpack from above us and put it on his back for me. "I know we could have partied at home but everything there reminds me over her. I just want to escape that for two days." He held onto my hand as we walked towards the exit.

The air was hot from summer rain. I suddenly remembered why I hate Florida, the stupid humidity and the nasty sweat dripping off your skin. I need to take a cold shower already and we've only been here for five minutes.

The car ride from the airport to the hotel we were staying at took forever with the traffic but we made it eventually and checked into our room.

"One bed..." I concluded. "You better not sleep naked."

"Don't act like you don't like it." He smirked.

"I call dibs on the shower first." I dropped my bag on the couch and got clean clothes out.

"Sure you don't want me to join you?" He teased.

"I think I'll pass." I said as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

The next few hours went by and we ate before we left to go to a club.

"So do you want me to be your wing woman or am I supposed to challenge you to a drink off to see who gets the most shit faced first? You know I suck at drinking so please let it be the first." I sighed.

He had his hand on the small of my back and guided us to the bar. "You don't have to drink if you don't want to and don't need a wing woman." He waved the bar tender over and ordered something. "I think I'm just going to sit here and drown my sorrows."

"We didn't come all the way to Florida for you to sit here and drink by yourself." I frowned. "I'll do shots with you."

"You're a light weight, you don't have to."

"I want to." I asked the bartender for a few rounds of shots and he placed them in front of us on a tray.

"Love, if I wanted to get shit faced, I would have went drinking with the guys."

"That's sexist of you." I frowned as downed one of the shots and reached for another. "I'm already ahead of you."

He shook his head and drank his four shots then the drink he ordered. I was about to wave the bartender over for another round but Edward stopped me. "That's enough for you. A few more of these and you'll be dancing on top of the bar."

"I thought you liked drunk Y/n." I bit my lip and he smirked.

"I do, she has no filter but if you get drunk, I'm going to have to babysit you all night." He said. "Order you a water and meet me on the dance floor."

He's no fun. I guess I shouldn't get too drunk though, someone has to make sure we get back to the hotel safe and with him just getting out of a breakup, it's only fair that he gets drunk tonight instead of me.

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