You Get A Tongue Ring

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"I'm wearing off on you. It's about fucking time." He smirked after seeing my tongue ring that decided to get last night after my friends all went to get their nose pierced.

It was a spur of the moment type deal and I really wanted to see what it'd be like.

"Next, you should get your nipples pierced." He said. "My fucking, sexy girl. I can't wait to feel it pressed against the underside of my cock." He smirked. "Imagine how cold it will feel compared to the rest of your mouth." He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Let's find out, shall we?" He winked down at me and smiled, nodding my head before leaning in to kiss him and let him feel the metal in my mouth from my piercing.



"Baby, why would you poke a hole in your tongue? Your mouth is already so perfect." He frowned as he examined my tongue ring that I proudly advertised to him.

"Expression of character." I smiled.

"But now there's a hole in your tongue. How are you gonna eat soup? What if it unhooks and you choke on it in your sleep?" He looked concerned. "Did they inform you on how to properly clean it because you can get an infection and your tongue could potentially fall off."

"My tongue isn't going to fall off." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed the bottle of water he gave me." And I know how to properly clean it."

"But what if you-"

"What if I kissed you and your tongue slid across mine and you felt how cold it was?" I cupped his chin and pulled his face down to kiss me.

He hesitantly opened his mouth and slid his tongue against mine, kissing me tenderly while I pressed up against his chest, wanting to swallow him whole.

"W-wait." He pulled away, "Isn't it sore? I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm fine, baby." I continued kissing him and he soon relaxed into my touch.



"I can't believe you." Harry said as he cupped my face, tilting it up to look in my mouth. "I mean, it's sexy but you promised you would wait to do these type of things with me. I wanted to be there for you when you got your first tattoo and piercing and you got both without me."

I was in Mexico with my friends when got my first tattoo and I facetimed Harry afterwards and he flipped out, saying he wanted to witness it and hold my hand while I was getting one and in that moment, promised him that he could be there when I got my first piercing (that isn't my ears).

"I'm sorry. I dropped my brother off to get a tattoo and saw that piercings were a decent price." I gently said before puckering my lips for a kiss.

"I can't stay mad at you." He mumbled. "I love it, it makes you look tough."

"I knew you would like it." I smiled. "And it's not as sore as thought it would be so..." I smirked up at him and he mirrored my smirk.

"Well, I owe you. I said. "I should have waited to go with you."

"There's always next time." He helped me down onto my knees and ran his fingers through my hair. "When you get your nipples pierced."

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