He Gives You a Hickey

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I climbed onto Harry's lap to continue to kiss him. He dropped the tv remote on the couch next to us and placed his hands on my waist. The show we were just watching was irrelevant to us now.

It's Saturday night, Harry's 13 year old daughter is sleeping over her friend's house right now and his 4 year old son is fast asleep upstairs. We hardly have time to ourselves with his kids always around.

His four year old needs all of his attention after he just started preschool and can't understand his work that well yet and his daughter- hates me.

She's told me over and over and over again.

Harry tells me it's just a phase and she's going through the "I hate everything" stage because she's a perfectly normal teenage girl but don't think she'll change her mind about me anytime soon.

His hands snaked up my sides before slipping them under my shirt and unclasping my bra. "Right here on the couch?" pulled away from him, smirking and he smiled, leaning in for another kiss.

"We're so scandalous." He teased, pulling my bra out of my shirt.

His lips left a hot trail down to my neck, sucking and gently biting down on my skin. My mouth dropped open and a small moan fell from my lips. He lips repeatedly kissed the same spot on my neck, his tongue darting out every so often.

His lips are so good, I was gasping into his ear which only encouraged him further.

"H-harry." I bit my lip and he pulled away to examine the damage.

"Nothing is sexier than seeing you..." He cradled my neck and pressed the pad of his thumb against the hickey he left on my neck. "With this."

I hissed a little and twirled my fingers around his curls. "You make me feel like a teenager all over again." I giggled.

"Oh do I?" He smirked. "You know what else will make you feel like a teenager? Trying to be quiet so you don't get caught." He dropped his hand in my pants and I bit my lip.

Just then, the front door opened and Harry immediately removed his hand and pulled me into his chest.

His daughter came around the corner with her friend and rolled her eyes when she seen us. "I forgot my pajamas of all things... I should have just slept in my clothes." She went upstairs with her friend and Harry gently kissed my cheek.

"She hates me." I sighed.

"No she doesn't. She just needs time." He said "She'll warm warm up to you... And if she doesn't, I'll just have to you up myself." He smiled, kissing around the hickey he left on my neck.

I pulled away from him and got off of his lap. "I'll meet you upstairs. You can tell her goodnight again and if you're lucky, I'll make room for you in the bathtub."


"Your mother is coming over in 45 minutes." I said to Edward who leaned half of his weight on me from behind while I stirred the mashed potatoes.

"Mhmmm." He hummed, moving my hair to the side and breathing in my scent. "Did you use my soap?"

"Yes." I bit my lip.

"You smell really good." He groaned, tightening his grip on my waist and softly kissing my neck. The only place he knew I didn't want him to kiss today.

"I don't want a hickey on my neck while we have dinner with your mum. I attempted to scold him but I couldn't even see him and the feeling of his lips were driving me insane.

"Relax. She won't even notice." He whispered, softly gripping my neck sucking on my flesh a little harder.

I was wearing an oversized shirt that came down to the top of my knees and I was also wearing his boxers underneath. He- knowing this, lifted my shirt and gently cupped my bare breast with his right hand while his left hand still remained around my neck.

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