A Soldier's Sweetheart

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t was June 2, 1940, more soldiers were being brought back home and I was patiently waiting on the platform, hoping Alex would arrive today. So far there's been hundreds returning but there was no sign of my long lost lover, Alex.

I hope he was okay.He said he'd come back to me. He promised me.

He held my hands and vowed that he would return to me in one piece after the incredible night we had his last day before he got drafted.

That night was spent dining out at our favorite Italian restaurant, walking through the park at night, starring up at the stars, heading back to my place to crack open a bottle of wine, then we took our last few hours together and spent it in the bedroom. Making love not once, not twice, but three times that night.

We had decided to be carless and not use protection. A small part of us was hoping that I got pregnant so I'd have a piece of him with me if he didn't manage to return- God forbid.

But unfortunately I wasn't pregnant.

I haven't seen my boyfriend in 4 months, he wasn't originally stationed at Dunkirk but they transferred him. He told me over his letters that everything thing was alright and that I shouldn't worry about him but I couldn't help it. He used to write me every week and a half but he hasn't wrote me in three weeks and I'm panicking. I can't bare the thought of something happening to him.Now I wait anxiously as yet another train arrived and still no Alex.

I watched wives get reunited with their husbands, children hugging their fathers, sons hugging their mothers but no Alex.

I began to give up hope. Thinking he wasn't going to make it when another train whistle was heard in the distance, indicating that another train was on its way.

I bit my lip, seeing it arrive at the station and watching people crowd the soldiers as they got off. Everyone cheering them on, handing them newspapers, beers, and bread. No Alex yet.

I sighed, turning to walk away when, "I didn't travel all this way for my sweetheart to leave me at the train station." I heard an all too familiar voice that made my heart flutter.

That couldn't be...

"Come here, love. I missed ya." I turned around to see him standing with that adorable smile that I missed oh so much.

I squealed, leaping into his arms and burying my face in his neck, inhaling his scent. It's not his usual cologne smelling skin, it smells like mud, oil, and sea water but I miss him too much to care right now.

"Alex, you're home." I pulled away to look at him. Making sure I wasn't imagining him. "You're really home." I smiled, leaning back in to squeeze him.

"I am. I told you I'd return to you in one piece." He chuckled. "Here I am." He kissed my temple, placing me back on my feet and picking up his bag at his feet. "As much as I love being cliché," He sarcastically said, shooting me a wink. "I really want to get out these clothes so I could hug you properly."

"Right! Come on." I grabbed his hand and led him to my car, getting in the driver's seat as he tossed his bag in the back and climbed in. "I can't wait to celebrate. We can have a dinner party. I'll call my parents and tell your mum to bring her famous apple pie! Or we can go out to celebrate. Somewhere nice, yes?" I said as he looked at me, smiling.

"As wonderful as that sounds my love, I really just want to spend time with you tonight. I missed you so much. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of returning to you." He said.

"And you did." I smiled. "Now we can pick up where we left off, nothing's changed."

"Well some things have.." He shrugged. "You've filled out your dresses I see, unless you purposely wore a tight fitted dress to get a reaction out of me." He smirked. "It's working by the way."

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