Medieval Times

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After waking up and getting helped into my dress for the day, I assisted the maid to get breakfast ready while got my son up and ready. My husband had already left to meet with the King this morning and he should be back in an hour.

"I don't want to get up today mommy." My three year old son whined and I sighed. He's like this every morning.

"If you don't get up, you won't be able to go to your knight training with your father today." I said and that perked his ears right up. He dreams of becoming a knight one day.

I got him ready then we ate breakfast together in the kitchen. My husband soon returned, baring bad news. He had to go train the knights in the castle for an entire week.

"A week without you?" I frowned. "Who will manage the property? I know how to deal with minor issues but you handle all of the hard things. I said.

"I don't need you stressing me out right now. I have a lot to deal with." He groaned, pushing me aside to go to our bedroom.

I sighed, dismissing the maid for now and allowing our son, William to go play outside before following my husband.

"Dear, we have to discuss this. How am supposed to get all of the peasants to comply? They listen to me short term but everyday for a week... It's impossible." I said.

"You will just have to figure it out. I won't have any money to give you for this week so whatever you have, you must make it stretch. Tell the peasants that their share will be short this week and don't accept any slack because then I'll have to deal with it when get back." He said as he placed his clothes out on the bed that he would be wearing and began to pack them.

"But sir-"

"No buts. You will obey." He demanded me, gripping my arm to pull me close to him and press a kiss to my lips.

"Finish packing my things and pack me a lunch to take for today." He then stepped outside and left me to do all of the work.

After I finished up his things, he left with a simple kiss to my cheek and ruffled his son's hair before he got on the carriage that the King sent out for him.

"Am I still going to knight school with daddy?" My son looked up at me with sad eyes and bit my lip, shaking my head at him.

"Your father will be back in a week. Why don't you keep playing out here for bit? You can chase around the chickens but don't scare them too much." I said, gently giving him push towards the animals and he excitedly began chasing around the animals.

I went back inside to rest for awhile until someone came knocking at the door.

I opened it and seen Harry standing there with William in his arms, wailing his little heart out.

"Come here baby." I reached for him and he wrapped his arms around me. "What happened?"

"It seems he was running in the field and tripped on something. He has a scrape on his knee although it's nothing too terrible." He explained.

I examined his knee and there was a small scrape. "I have some herbs I can mash to put on it if you'd like."

He offered. "It'll only sting this much." He held his thumb and index finger just a few spaces apart.

"Thank you." I stepped aside and let him in, holding William to my chest as he whimpered still.

I watched him mix together few things he had in his pocket before applying it to William's knee and wrapping a small bandage around it. "There you go." He high fived William who had a smile on his face. "All better?"

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