Better Than I Imagined

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Spending our Saturday night, cuddled up together on his couch, watching The Vow was planned.

We have movie night every Saturday since we've been together and even before that when Marcel and I were best friends.

But this movie night went a little different... He was slowly running his fingers through my hair, eyes focused on the movie, with my head on his lap. "Marcel," I mumbled, not really as interested in the movie as I usually was.

He hummed, not bothering to look down at me but I know I had his attention when his hand trailed down my arm until he laced his fingers with mine.

"I'm bored."

"You're not enjoying the movie?" He frowned, glancing down at me with a pouty face. He's just adorable.

"No, I am, it's just-" I paused, pursing my lips together to think of how to word this right. "Well I- you know, I've been thinking... Ugh! Never mind, it's stupid and you're gonna think I'm crazy..." I trailed off hoping he'd just drop it but that wasn't the case.

"More crazy than you already are?" He chuckled. "Y/n, just tell me." He urged me to sit up and turned to face me despite me avoiding eye contact with him.

"Okay." I sighed. "Well, we've been dating for a while now and I was afraid of bringing this up but since I now know tha-"

"A-are you breaking up with me? I'm sorry if you think I'm not good enough but I swear I'll treat you be-"

"No, I'm not breaking up with you Marcel." I quickly calmed him, wondering why he'd think that.

He literally worships the ground I walk on, why would he think he's not good enough?

"I just can't get the thought out of my head of- goingdownonyou." I mumbled, turning away from him.

"Of what?" He frowned, bringing his hand to my chin to make me look at him.

"Of.. Going down on you." I bit my lip to see how he'd react to all of this.

His cheeks flushed red, hand started shaking from underneath my chin, and his eyes seemed to darken a little as he squirmed a bit. "O-oh. I erm, I-I never thought you felt or thought that. You just- and I mean this in the most respectful way- seem so innocent. Oh god, this is awkward. I'm making this awkward. Sorry. You just brought up a very intimate thought and I ruined the moment by probably making you feel uncomfortable. And now I'm babbling. Gee, do you uh, w-want something to drink? It's awfully warm in here. Are you warm?" He shot up and walked down the hall to the thermostat to turn up the air conditioning.

Great, I made him feel nervous.

"Marcel." I mumbled, watching him nervously run his fingers through his hair as he peeked back in the living room at me. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No! Don't feel sorry! It's normal to think that. You know, 76% of the time teen's brains fill with negative or dirty thoughts." He said, avoiding my glaze as I gawked at him. "Not that I'm calling your thought dirty or negative!! I'm sorry, I just-"

"Marcie, calm down." I giggled at my flushed boyfriend who got even more flustered at the nickname I gave him. He hates when I call him that because, "Y/n, that's a girl's name." - Marcel Styles.


"No, I'm sorry for bringing it up." I shrugged and picked up the popcorn bowl to take it to the kitchen. "I'll get more snacks and then we can continue our movie."

"Continue the movie? A-after you just caused thi- I mean, I-I'll be right back. Just get our snacks and-"

"Marcel, did you wanna try my idea?" I giggled at him because of how dorky he looked right now.

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