Alpha Harry

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I'm in heat.

Also know as, I'm horny.

I've never had it this bad before either. It's like I need to be humping something every few seconds or I feel like I'm going to explode.

Maybe it's because I just had a little pup and it's my first heat cycle in the last 10 months or maybe it's because I'm mated to an alpha and my needs are coming in strong.

Harry and I have only been mated for a little over a year and we immediately got married then sealed our bond and I ended up pregnant. We have a little girl whelp, her name is Darcy and she's one moth and one week. She's absolutely adorable.

But I dropped her off at her grandmother's den because as soon as Harry comes through the door, I'm pouncing on him.What's taking him so long anyways? He should be here already...

"Honey, I'm home." I heard him say as he opened up the door. "Where's my little love?" He cooed.

I walked over to him and pulled his neck down to my level, engulfing him in a kiss, hungrily licking his bottom lip, asking for an entrance that he granted, tangling his tongue with mine but of course he won, he's an alpha, he wins at everything.

"Someone really missed me." He pulled away, smirking.I panted, pulling him back down for more, wanting to devour him. He's so handsome.

"Love, are you in heat?" He pulled away once again, causing me to whimper at the lose of contact.

"Yes and you're torturing me."

"I smelled you all the way outside, baby. What did you do to get yourself so worked up?" He asked.

"I was thinking of you." I stated.

He placed his hands on my hips and gently swayed us back and forth. "So I'm guessing Darcy is at your mum's house?" He smirked and I nod, tugging on his shirt to indicate I wanted it off.

"Please baby."

"Okay, okay." He smirked, tugging off his shirt. I nearly drooled at how appetizing he looked. He's extremely fit, I mean, he has to stay in shape, he's an alpha. "Do you want to take this to the bedroom?" He asked, lifting me up but I quickly shook my head.

"No, too far." I whimpered, softly nipping at his neck. "The living room, please."

He chuckled but headed to the living room and laid us down on the couch.

"Baby, you're soaked." He noted, lifting up the oversized t-shirt I had on and creasing me over my underwear because I didn't have on any bottoms. He's used to me walking around half naked though. I mean, I have to deal with him walking around fully naked.

"I know." I moaned at the pleasure he was already giving me. "I've been like this all day."

"You poor thing." He smirked, sliding off my knickers that were completely useless anyways. "Did you already start without me?"

"No." I lied through my teeth as I avoided his gaze.

"Sweetheart..." He got me to look at him as his eyes glowed, his inner wolf showing.

"Yes." I mumbled.

He tsked his tongue at me, pulling his fingers away and licking up my arousal that coated them.

"So you tried to get yourself off but realized you needed me instead?" He lifted my shirt up, removing it from over my head.

"You were taking too long to get back." I said. "I had to do something."

"I was out on a mission, baby. You know how long those take when there are hunters involved." He said.

"Well you're here now and you're still not doing anything." I groaned, frustrated at him.He pressed down on me, my crotch meeting his and I felt his boner straining against his jeans. I moaned, arching forward to press our fronts closer together. "Harry, please."

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