All Knocked Up

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Small gatherings on Saturday is a usual at the Styles household. Their parents work a lot so their house is always empty, which means they pretty much do anything they want. However, with three different personalities though, it's a bit chaotic.

Marcel isn't really a people person, he mainly hangs out with his best friend Leeroy and a few other people from the chess club.

Harry is the complete opposite though, he's a people pleaser, he's very charming and easy to talk to.

Then there's Edward. He's a bit of both of his brothers. He only hangs out with a few people, mainly his group of druggies but he's very charming and a huge flirt, he can make a girl swoon any time he wants. It should be illegal with how good he looks all the time.

But despite their completely different personalities, they have one thing they have in common. Me.

Our parents have been best friends since they were little kids so we all grew up together, they're like my brothers without me dealing with the stress of having three annoying brothers. They're a bit of a handful but I love them. So every Saturday, we spend time at their house, swimming, grilling, playing truth or dare, catching up from not seeing each other all week, and lounging around.

So like usual, I was sitting at the edge of the pool, kicking my feet back and forth in the water as I read a book. But that would be interrupted in three, two, one...

Someone pulled my legs underwater, resulting in me falling in the pool, my book getting completely ruined. There was only one person who I knew would do this. "Edward!!" I scowled him when I resurfaced.

He chuckled, splashing water in my face, making me even more annoyed. "Oh come on, you had to have known I would do that."

"I'm gonna strangle you, you ruined my favorite book." I huffed.

"You've read that like 80 times, you're worse than Marcel when it comes to these things." He smirked and I threw my book out of the water before chasing after him as best as I could. He's a way better swimmer than me.

"I hate you!" I groaned after swimming multiple laps around the pool and still not able to catch him. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

"Love you too." He blew kisses faces at me.

I eventually got out of the pool and dried off, walking over to Marcel who was laying out my book in the grass for it to dry.

"Sorry about Edward, I think I have a copy of this book that you can burrow until this one dries if you want to read still. Or you can just keep it, I hardly ever read it anymore." He shrugged.

"Thank you Marcel." I smiled, gently peeking his cheek and his cheeks redden a little bit as he looked away from me.

"O-of course." He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll go get it."

I heard heavy footsteps approaching me before I felt water droplets on my feet. "You have a thing for nerds?" Edward scuffed, motioning to my interaction I just had with Marcel.

"And what's it to you?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nothing." He mumbled. "Just thought you had a better type." He winked at me before taking a towel for himself to dry off with.I

was confused as to what he was referring to but he just insulted his brother.

"You two look just alike." I stated.

"We couldn't be more different." He smirked. "I mean, just ask his ex girlfriend Veronica."

"The girl you stole from him?" I frowned. "Even though you knew how much he liked her."

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