Study Break

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A continuation of Edward's part in "He Can't Get It Up".

Edward ('s Pov)

I think it's broken.

I've had sex five times in one day once I was able to stay in service for at least 20 minutes each time and now I can't get it up and it's all her fault.

She tricked me into falling in love with her. The nerdy girl that's tutoring me swept her way into my heart now I can't stop thinking about her when I'm with someone else.

Damn you, Y/n Y/l/n.

I just had Piper Kingsman in my dorm. The hottest girl on campus. She agreed to having a rendezvous with me after days of convincing her to let me have a chance just once and I blew my chance.

She was making out with me, fully naked and nothing sparked inside of me so naturally she got offended and left.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me either.

Last week I ruined my chances with Reese. The hot blonde from my lecture hall. We were in the back of her Porsche for crying out loud and it was like ghost town down there.

The first time it happened was with Veronica. My usual friend who I've had benefits with since junior year of high school and when I couldn't get it up twice in a row, she bailed on me.

I groaned, sitting up on my bed and running my fingers through my hair. This can't be happening to me.

I bought viagra the other day and got all hot and bothered for a few hours then it was back to being soft. I never go soft. I didn't even get to finish that day with Gina, my other causal fling. It was fine at first then she freaked when I didn't finish after 45 minutes of thrusting.

I need to go to the doctor, something's wrong with me. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about her.

I pulled my pajama pants on and climbed out of bed. I picked up my phone from my dresser and went to my call history to call her. I'm pathetic. It's come down to this.


"Hi, love. I was wondering if you could come help me out with something. I um, I have a term paper due in a few days and I have... writer's block.' I ran my hand down my face at my terrible attempt to get her over here. Maybe if I just see her, I'll be okay.

"What term paper? I thought we went over everything the week." Her voice sounded like music to my ears. My bloody palms were sweating and my heart was racing.

"We- we did. Sorry, you caught me. I was trying to make up an excuse to... to see you."

"Are you okay?"

"Can you just come over for an hour or so." Please say yes, please say yes.

"To discuss school work?"

I decided to swallow my pride and just say it. What could possibly go wrong? I'll have to look for another tutor, maybe but it'll be worth it.

"I think you know the reason."

I heard shuffling on her end and a few things being moved around before she answered. "I knew you wouldn't keep it professional."

"Are you coming or not?" I huffed.

"That depends if you do the job right or not. Let's see how good you've been paying attention in biology. Leave your door unlocked, I'll be there in 10."

She really knows how to make me work for it.

She's so stubborn and a know it all but she's so sexy,

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