My Brother's Best Friend

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"How much time do you think we have?" I asked Harry who shushed me as he tugged me inside of the coat closet and before the door.

"Three minutes. But your mum's yelling at him so maybe five." He whispered before cupping my cheeks and kissing me softly.

My back hit the wall and he trapped me between his chest and the wall, hiking up my thigh a little to boost me up more.

His lips pressed against mine a little harder as his left hand trailed up my right side and tickled my skin a little.

I giggled quietly as pulled away from him and looked at him in the little light that we had. "Sneaking around is getting exhausting." I wrapped arms around his neck and he peeked my lips in between words.

"Would you rather your brother find out and never want to talk to me again?" He sighed.

"No." bit my lip. "I think if we ease him into the idea of us dating, he would be okay..." I said.

"How would we do that?"

"We start hanging out more in front of him." I offered.

"We can do that." He smiled. "So we're friends?" He teased lightly.

"You can be really annoying sometimes." I mumbled. "Now let's go before he comes back and gets suspicious." I tried to move from the wall but he leaned down to kiss me again.

"One more..." He pulled away from me but leaned back in two seconds later... and again, and again, and again.

"Sorry about that. I forgot to take out the trash one day and suddenly I'm getting lectured for two hours." My brother came back and flopped down next to Harry on the couch.

"It's fine. Y/n was keeping me company." Harry smirked over at me on the opposite couch, shooting me a discreet wink.

"Sorry about that too." My brother sarcastically said.

"I don't mind her." He shrugged. "Should we watch Game of Thrones?" He asked my brother who looked content with that idea.

"Yeah. I left my charger in my room, I'll be right back." My brother said before darting off upstairs, leaving Harry and I alone.

"Come sit next to me." He reached his arm out for me.

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Friends, remember?" He smirked.

I reluctantly went to the other couch and sat down next to him. A nice distance. Not too close, not too far. Just right.

"What are you still doing here?" My brother asked me as he returned.

"I asked her if she wanted to watch it with us, I hope that's okay." Harry said.

My brother looked between the two of us, confused. "Did I miss something here?"

"It's nothing." Harry brushed him off and pressed play.

Thankfully my brother dropped the subject after that. With Harry in the middle of us and the sun setting- making it darker in the living room, he slowly reached for my hand at our sides, allowing me to lace my fingers with his without my brother noticing.


"Let me do it. I said to Harry after he basically took over my baking. "I was here first."

"I was here first." He mocked me as he rolled the cookie dough in a ball and blocked me from the pan.

"Harry, you don't even live here." I huffed.

"I used to be a baker, I know what I'm doing." He said and I rolled my eyes. He worked at a bakery when he was 16 and he never shuts up about it.

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