All Tied Up

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"Baby, how long are you going to make me wait?!" Harry shouted from where I left him tied to our bedframe. "I'm gonna get blue balls, babe." He chuckled lightly.

"Just a minute." I called out from the bathroom, making sure the bow was centered on my butt. Harry's gonna die when he sees my lingerie set.

"Sweetheart, you don't need to go all out, just the sight of you naked will get me going." He said. "Or a plain t-shirt with no bra, as long as your nipples are showing, you'll get a standing ovation, I promise."

I opened the bathroom door, entering our bedroom, reveling myself to him.

The pink lace bra I had on had my nipples straining against them, strapless just like Harry likes, he claims it's easier for him to get off but he won't be touching me tonight. My underwear hardly qualified as underwear. It was a full coverage for my front but my butt was covered very thin bow that I believe can be untied and used as by a a silk blindfold.

I also sprayed Harry's favorite scent of my perfume on my neck and chest, his two favorite places of mine to kiss. My hair was finally let down after being pinned up in a bun all day so it's just how Harry likes it, he calls it my 'freshly fucked' hair because it's a bit wild but with him, my hair ends up much worse afterwards.

"Holy shit," He gulped, his eyes trailing down my body. "Turn around." He bit his lip as I did a little twirl for him. "I wish I wasn't tied up right now." He mumbled. "My hands would be all over you."

"I know." I smiled, slowly walking over to him. "You like what you see, Styles?" I seductively whispered, walking to our dresser to light one of the many candles I had around the room.

"Yes." He breathed out, watching my every move.

I went around the room, lighting every candle, the room now smelling like lavender and peaches. I dimmed our bedroom light and turned on the Bluetooth audio to play our sex playlist.

Yes, we have a sex playlist.

Then I opened up our drawer that contains all of our special sex toys.

"Baby," He sat up in a straighter position.

"Shh." I softly shushed him, grabbing the medium sized vibrator, a collar, and my personal favorite, his cock ring.

"You know the rules, Haz." I said, turning around to reveal the items I chose for him. "No talking, no screaming, and you must ask permission to cum." I said. "Do you remember our safe word?"

"Y-yes... Blue." He gulped.

"Good boy." I smiled, walking over to the bed to straddle him. "So, first we'll use this." I held up the ring for him to see before placing it on him.

He was already turning pale. "Baby, do we have t-"

"Yes." I cut him off, pumping his semi hard erection a little before turning on the vibrations of his cock ring.

His hips jerked forward, his back slowly arching towards me, and his sex toy. "D-do we have to start off on the third setting?" He whispered.

"Yes, hairbear, we aren't amateurs." smirked.

"I won't last like this." He mumbled.

"You'll last because you're a good boy who doesn't cum until he's given permission." I said.

"I'm your good boy." He whispered.

"Yes you are." I smirked, hovering above him. He tried to move his arms to touch me but unfortunately for him, his wrist strained against the hand cuffs. "You'll hurt yourself." I cooed, reaching forward to crease his cheek.

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