Senior Ditch Day

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Friday, Senior Ditch Day.

"I don't know about this..." Marcel said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Come on, don't be a prude. No one's gonna be there anyways." Edward said, earning a slap on the chest from me. "Ow."

"Calling him a prude was uncalled for." I said.

"If the shoe fits, I say wear it." Edward shrugged.

"Ignore Ed but Marcel, it's the only day that you're practically allowed to ditch." Harry said.

"The school doesn't enforce it..." Marcel mumbled.

"Obviously but that doesn't mean people don't do it." Harry added.

"I'm sure Harvard still excepts you if you miss one day of school."

"But I've never been absent before. I've had perfect attendance since preschool, I can't ruin this streak." Marcel rubbed his temples.

"Learn to live a little. I can't believe I share the same dna as you." Edward said. "We'll go to the beach, that's always fun, right? Definitely soak up some sun because you obviously need it," He paused to look at Marcel. "Get something to eat, rent out a bungalow for the weekend, pop fireworks... Have sex." He leaned into me and whispered the last part. "And be back by Monday."

"I still think this is a bad idea..."

"Okay then. Think of it this way, would you rather start off your weekend by going to school, doing a stupid project for extra credit because no one else is there? Or go to the beach and hang out with us for the rest of the weekend?" Harry asked.

"Have you met me?" Marcel sarcastically asked.

"Fine, don't think about what you would do, think about what Edward would do on a senior ditch day." Harry added.

"Edward ditches almost everyday." Marcel stated.

"He's got a point." Edward smirked.

"Marcel just come with us." I decided I should butt in because these two aren't making any progress.

"Why should I? I doubt I'm gonna have any fun."

"Y/n will give you a lap dance." Harry suggested, causing my face to flush.

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm not agreeing to that." Edward protectively put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

"You can catch up on your reading while we drive to the beach. I know you love to read." I continued.

"Are you his girlfriend or mine?" Edward groaned.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned.

"I know you love to read." He mocked my voice. "Do you pay attention to everything he does?" He asked.

"He's your brother." I stated. "I care about him."

"Bloody excuses I see." He huffed.

"You're a jealous arsehole." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just trying to be considerate."

"Oh yeah?"


"I'll go, I'll go! Just stop bickering." Marcel cut in and stood up from the couch to head up stairs, probably to pack his bag.

"That went well." Harry sarcastically said. "But you two need to stop argu-" He turned towards us but Edward already had me engulfed in a kiss. "You two disgust me." He got up and left the room.

"I love bickering with you." Edward mumbled against my lips. "The making up part is always the best."

"Fuck you." I pulled away from him and lightly shoved his chest.

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