Chapter 20- The unwelcomed guests

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Jabba pulled Leia and I near him so we could lay down next to him, I attempted to resist, but I didn't wanna end up choking to death today. We both would get glance and comments from different group of people in the room, I ignore them but I couldn't help but feel this urge to hit them where their sun doesn't shine. When the music stopped we were both suddenly pushed up on our feet's, almost falling on our faces, I turn to glare at Jabba, wanting to start a fight but Leia grabbed my arm and pulled me to her "its best if we don't" she knew my actions for everything. "What? Are we just going to let this slug treat us like that?" I whispered an argument "and why are we in the middle of this drunk crowd" I add, looking around, seeing everyone stare at us.

"Don't ask, just" she grabs my hands and spins me around as the music starts again "what the?" Bewildered, I noticed leia dancing to the music "oh" I said and wasted no time in arguing as I remembered about that green twi'lek dancer who almost got killed by a monster on the pit we are standing. 'Great, im dancing for my death now' I thought a slight sarcasm. The crowd whistled, cheered and drank beer as they watched, I didn't want to pay attention to anyone, so let myself zone out in my thoughts, about the dream I had about my father, wondering if I was the only one who had a dream about him or did Leia and luke had a dream or just knew him and hid it from me.

If they did hide my father from me, I don't know how would I react, They are my brothers and sisters, I wouldn't hurt them if its the last thing I'd do. "Kira" I was now deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize Leia was calling my name for a while, when I did, Leia pulled me once again but it was from a drunk smuggler "hey beautiful" he looked down a my my body like a perv, his hands almost touched my skin when I stopped him by slapping him hard on the cheek, Leaving the mark of my hand imprinted. Obviously that was a bad idea, at least that's what I thought when I heard everyone gasp at my actions, even grabbing the attention from the green armored bounty hunter who seemed super busy with the...twi'lek I saved...earlier...'ugh! Why do I care, I don't even know the jerk and I still hated him for his murder'

I got pulled by the neck chain once again by Jabba, who then held me in front of his face "you are not allowed to do that, so if you don't want me to throw you down on that pit, you obey to rules and orders, got that?" He spoke before he lets go of the chains, I nod and before I could step away from him, the chains gets pulled back again "and whats that hood on your head, take that off, it doesn't go well with the outfit" he states. I react and place both my hands over my head to prevent him from pulling or snatching the hood off "I have to keep my identity a secret, I'm a bounty hunter" I reminded, but he obviously didn't care "not anymore, you're my slave now" he continues to pull me closer, my bare feet sliding across the rough ground "leave me alone!" I slightly shout trying to resist.


My attention was brought when the sound of a hard slap and the crowd gasp was heard, then I noticed as how the female I spoke to earlier was being pulled or dragged while she tried to resist, keeping her hands over her head. A side of me hoped that Jabba pulls that hood off to see who that was but the other side of me didn't want know at all. As I watched, my arm was being shaken like as if someone wanted my attention more "aww boba, c'mon, just admit that you love me" the twi'lek whined like a child, snatching my arm away from her, I respond "no" but she just continued "why not? Your friend Bossk said you loved me" she states, she suddenly attempted to touch my helmet but my quick reflexes pinned her to the wall with one hand. "Don't even think about it" I growled. "And I don't know why Bossk would even say that because that is a huge lie...I don't like nor love you"

My rough tone was just enough for her expressions to change to a sad, heartbroken one, The twi'lek was tearing up but when she was about to cry, she pushed me away and ran away sobbing. 'Glad that's over, she was hella annoying' I shook my head as my hand fixed up my harness and armor, soon turning to see the resisting female now on Jabba's grasp. "Let go of me you slimy slug!!" She insulted, kicking and punching the slug till he let go of her. "You wanna know who I am? You wanna know my identity? Fine!" Her hands were about to pull the hood down when a voice stopped her and made her turn around "you don't have to" The princess, Jabba and everyone else turn to see who that voice belonged to, I did as well, thats when my eyes land on Luke and Han solo.

End of chapter 20

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