Chapter 7- live must go on, even if it hurts

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My heart drops as I was watching as the ship explode  with Kira inside a few feet away from the pod I was in with Bossk, feeling anger, sadness, numbness, shock and other emotions. I never in my live expected Kira to do what she did, I felt so much guilt knowing that I could've stopped her and convinced her to come with us, but I couldn't, I couldn't do anything and thanks to that I lost my only company, the only person who truly cared for me, supported me and stood next to me...until now.

Tears began to for in my eyes and run down my cheeks as my hands fell down the window while I kept staring and the ship, I felt like my live stopped at that moment, I felt so lost, not really knowing what to do now, what can I do? "I will miss you kira..." I whispered, my head lowering itself. I then feel a hand on my shoulder "why would she..." I couldn't even finish my own sentence when I started a new one "how am I going to tell her father?" I pressed at the bridge of my nose as I thought on how Lord vader might react to the news of his daughter...dead.

"One thing for sure is that he can't get mad at you" bossk pats my shoulder "what do you mean?" I let go of the bridge of my nose and look up at him, watching him stare out as how the jedi ships jump into hyperspace, leaving us in the middle of nowhere in this galaxy "what I mean is that he can't blame you for her death, kira might have taken that decision on her own, but I feel like she did because she felt useless due to her wound" I listen to bossk as I frown my brows confused "but I stitched her wound up-" "I know you did boba, but she also felt like she owe you big time too, ever since you told me about Jango and you taking care of her, you teaching her mandalorian, defending her, y'know"

I exhale sharply, its true, everything he just said was the pure truth, but it still didn't cover up the fact that Kira had to take that sacrifice. I close my eyes and lower my head once again, feeling the pat on my shoulder from bossk "i'll go stir the pod" I nod once and then he left. I was in my thoughts, having flashbacks of her smiling and goofing around, she sure was a tough one and she died being a brave girl. I broke down into tears when I swung my hand down and felt something cold and metallic on my belt.

"H-huh?" I sniffled as I opened my eyes and saw kira's saber still hanging on my belt from when I was cutting the bars of the cell to escape. My hand grabbed the saber and brought it up near my face as I stared at it for a while and began to think. "Bossk" I sob a bit. "Yeah?" He responds. "Think this thing can get to...Geonosis?" I forced the name of the planet where my dad was murdered as I then get a respond "lucky for you, we are in front of it, but why do you want to go there?" He informs and at the same time asks, I grip at the saber tightly before putting it back hanging of my belt and spoke "there's something there that I need to get back" I rub my cheeks wiping the tears away and turn to got and sit down behind bossk.

Bossk nods with no other questions and sets the pods coordinates to planet Geonosis. 'You must continue the bounty hunter legacy boba' The words from my father were reminded in my head. 'That's what im going to do' I thought.

——A few hours later—-

We managed to land safely on Geonosis but we had to walk a few kilometers to the house I stayed with Kira and my father before going to the arena. Our footprints were imprinted on the ground which could maybe be a problem considering that I did escape prison and those troopers are probably searching for us right now, or they probably gave up. I look around where we were and stopped walking. "What's wrong" bossk hissed his S. "We're here" I pushed a button, making the ground shake a bit and open.

Bossk and I had to jump to safety as the ground opened incase we fell and crash on something, but as soon as the ground stopped shaking, I look down to see my fathers Slave 1. I exhaled sharply as flashbacks of my father came up but I sadly had to shake them away if I wanted to become a bounty hunter like my father or even better. "C'mon" I gently hit bossk's chest with the back of my hand as I jumped down the hole on the ground and carefully landing in front of the hatch. Once I hear bossk land next to me, I opened up the hatch and walked inside the ship, I really missed this ship and seeing everything where its supposed to and left on was like as if nothing happened. "I'll go fly us out of here" bossk said and left to the bridge of the ship to fly us out of this planet.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds 'father, I will kill that jedi who murdered you and kira...I will destroy everything those rebels ever cared about, just like they did to me' I thought to myself, not realizing that I was gripping tightly at the lightsaber on my belt 'I never...I never got to tell you something Kira, something really important' I clench my jaw, holding my tears as the only thing I wanted to feel was rage, anger, hatred for those rebels. Soon my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the saber being activated, my eyes shot open and turn my head to look down at the saber, hoping that I didn't damage anything on this ship, luckily I didn't.

I carefully removed the saber off my belt and flipped so that the red light was facing the right way, I was feeling a bit uneasy the more I stared at it as the flashback of my father being killed by one was replaying on my head, my stomach felt sick and my breathing was starting to get out of control so I quickly de-activated it and put it safely inside a crate, I then hid the small crate.

'I don't think...I'll be able to let go of her...' I thought. "Boba!" I hear bossk calling me, I walked over to where he was and sat on a seat near him. "What?" I respond as I look out the window. "I think its best if you tell Vader what happened with Kira" he stops when I shoot a glance at him "just hear me out okay?" He rolls his eyes and clears his throat "he'll maybe understand that it wasn't your fault nor mine and if he wants to, we can join his crew and you can get your revenge on that jedi" he finishes. Something about what he said sounded brilliant to me, but then again, I was scared to tell him that Kira, his only child that wanted to follow in his footsteps, the only one who could've continued his legacy, was gone.

But I also knew I had to give it a shot, maybe I can start being a bounty hunter in his crew and work for him, I gave it a few thoughts until I look at bossk and nod "lets go find Vader" I said in a calm but ready tone. Bossk nods and set up the coordinates to the location of vaders death star and in a blink of an eye, jumped to hyperspace.

End of chapter 7

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