Chapter 41- Tour with the Teen clones

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'Oh my god! I can't believe we just KISSED!! Did that really just happened?!' I was in complete utter shock as I walk around the Kaminoan's base with my head in my thoughts. 'Does he like me? Or was that just at the heat of the moment? More importantly, do I like him like that?' "ARG!!" "Ma'am? Are you okay?" The sound of a teen's voice snap me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I notice a group of teen clones staring at me with curiosity on their gaze. I fixed myself and look down at them as I scratch the back of my head trying to think of something. "Ah! Yeah, I'm fine" a light chuckle escape my lips. One one the clones seemed to be having trouble believing me, so he decided to ask "are you sure? You seemed a little troubled" I lower my hand and bury it under the long sleeve that Boba gave me back at the ship and randomly start to swing it side to side.

"Yeah, I am a little troubled but...I can handle it" I gave a response. The clone nod understandably and realized he and the others haven't introduced themselves. "Ah! By the way, the name's Jack" he pointed towards himself before he turns and points at the one next to him with shorter hair "this is Cole" he then points to the boy on the other side of him who had a undercut "this is Kye" and behind me is Max" the points behind him towards a boy with a pompadour cut. With that, the other three wave their hands and say hello with a smile. 'So they basically cut their hair to make it easier to identify each clone and tell them apart' "haha, you're probably wondering how we get our different name and tell us apart" the clone with longer hair, Jack, spoke, catching my attention, the group start to walk forward. I was confused but once I noticed one of them call me using his hand, I followed.

As we walked through the base, to my left I saw a bunch of kinds getting in row of lines like soldiers 'wow' "we can't really show you the DNA part because there were people trying to take it and stop us from cloning" he explains "but after the DNA and us being created from it, we pass through this room which is us getting our different names by that Kaminoan over there" he points to a male Kaminoan with a list on his hands. "Okay" I said as I watch before moving to another window showing and different room where the clones from earlier entered. "Once we get our name, we come to this room with a bunch of doors on the back" "those are our room" Cole comments. "Yeah, but you're probably wondering what the heck do we do in this room, well, we begin to train to shoot a target" I turn my head to look down at the clone next to me in shock "really? No time to be children, just train?"

The clones glance at me and nod in unison "well, its a sacrifice we have to do if we want to become soldiers, not that there's a choice either way" I was starting to feel bad for what im hearing from them but they don't really seem to be sad about it, its like they were mentally prepared for all of this. "Anyway, we stay in this room shooting the target till we become teens" he turns his gaze to the kids shooting the targets "they have a loooong way to come" "okay!" Cole jumped in before Jack could continue "time for me to speak" he shoos Jack to the back and lead the group. "When we turn 13, we get to train with different blasters-" "that's were we get to choose our own" Jack cut him off with a smirk. Cole gets annoyed and shoots him a death glare "you had your time to talk, now its mine" Cole turns to look at me, turning his annoyed face to a sheepish grin. "As I was saying and tes, we get to choose our blasters"

The night went on with this small tour of the live of these clones and how do they become the troopers they are while some become helpers for the base. It was pretty interesting and cool at the same time to learn how this place works but it was kinda sad to know that these clone kids don't get to have a normal life like any other child, play around, act childish, all those sorts of things. The little tour came to an end and it was time to say bye to the teen clones. "Thank you guys for the little tour, it was amazing to learn a little more about this place" I smile, the clones returned their smile and nod in appreciation. As I was about to leave, one of the clones spoke "hey, By the way, who are you? I mean, don't get me wrong but its rare to see a female in this place" "yeah, although we did see another female years ago, who was brought by boba" cole added "yeah but she was a Twi'lek and I don't think Boba and that twi'lek were something, y'know?" Kye added.

'Boba brought a female here?' A sudden wave of worry coursed through my body 'calm down Kira, maybe they were just working together...?' "Nah, they weren't a thing, Boba told me the day he "brought" her" Jack informed, I turn my attention to him to see what else he was going to say "he told me that when he came back from Tatooine, the Twi'lek basically hid in his ship with ought him even realizing until he arrived here" Jack explains. "What a weirdo"  Max crossed his arms. "Its not really Boba's fault either, he did also told me that his old buddy, uhhh" he cups his chin as he tries to remember someone. "Ah! Bossk!" He snaps his fingers. "I don't know why, but Bossk set him up with that Twi'lek and that's when everything started, but again, he was never into her, she just got obsessed with him" he finishes, soon realizing I was there the whole time listening to them. "Oh! Sorry about that, um, what's your name?" "And how old are you?" Kye adds to the question.

I wave my hand with a smile "nono! Its fine" I chuckled nervously as my thoughts were now on that girl and why was she so obsessed with Boba when he wasn't even interested on her. My thought were wild but I also had to set them aside for now and answer the clones "um, My name is Kira...Kira Skywalker and i'm 23" the clones gasped in disbelieve at the name they just heard "Kira Skywalker as in" "Vader's daughter?" I lower my head in sadness, remembering the last few minutes I had with my father before he died in my arms before the sound of a familiar male was heard infront of us.

"Kira! Where are you?"

End of chapter 41

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