Chapter 69- Mind control

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Right after Kira left my room and the base itself, silence filled the room, a cold breeze rushed through the window hitting my face. I shudder using my hands gently rubbing my arms for warmth while I step away from the window and to my bed. As soon as I sat down on the corner of my bed, the door hissed open, gentle footsteps approach me. A female voice spoke near me "Akari? Is everything alright? Why were you yelling at?" I froze with my hands on my arms while my eyes get wide. I debated whether to tell her that Kira was here but if I did, she'll probably panic and tell the others about the news, and knowing Obi-wan, he'll want to send her back to prison. I decided to play it cool as if nothing happened "yelling? Me? Nah, I wasn't" leia lift her brow at me, not believing a word I said.

"Akari, I heard clearly yelling coming from this room a while ago, so please, if you are covering this up with lies, don't" she crossed her arms, her voice becoming serious and her stern look she was giving me. I couldn't do it, I have to tell her. Throwing my arms with a exhale, I look straight into her eyes so that she knows that Im going to tell her the truth "leia, Kira was here" her expression softens but her arms remained crossed "what? kira was here? But why didn't you tell me?" She spoke. I stood up and walk towards the window again. "She wouldn't want me to" I reply. Leia sighed, approaching me "what did she came here for? Is she alright?"

Soon, the voice of a male pierced the room, making us both turn around to see the owner of the voice. It was Luke's. Luke waited outside the room, respectfully waiting for me to let him inside. When I did, Luke walked over to Leia speaking "Leia, I have some bad news, you know our father's saber?" Leia took a second to think before her head nods a yes "yeah, what about it?" She frown her brows curious. "I was mediating just now and yoda's voice contacted me saying that a great power-a stronger force will rise" listening to those two got me thinking, their father's saber? Yoda saying that a strong force will come our way? I did see Kira with a saber but I don't think that's their father's...or is it?

"What are you saying Luke? What does that have to do with our father's saber? I don't understand" luke let out frustrated sounds before taking a deep breath "what I'm saying is that whoever holds that saber, mainly jedi, it can be super dangerous for them, can't you see you are holding a dead lord's saber? Their power can transfer to you" Leia tilts her head at him squinting her eyes "like some kind of mind control?" Luke snaps his fingers "exactly! Which means that we have to find that saber before either Kira or another person finds it" "hang on Luke, don't you remember that the death star was destroyed? Meaning that it destroyed everything inside of it aswell? So that can also mean that the saber could be gone forever"

I watch as Luke scratch the back of his head closing his eyes clearly frustrated. Thats when I spoke "Um, master Luke? Kira was her a while ago and I did noticed her carrying a saber" his eyes shoot open at what I said as he then paced towards me placing his hands on my shoulders "Kira was here? Where did she go? What did the saber looked like? Did you noticed anything strange about her?" He shakes my shoulders gently while he asked me a bunch of questions which I answered them as soon as he was done. "She was and im guessing she was brought her by that bounty hunter boba fett so there's no doubt that she left with him" I growled quietly remembering what she told me, it hurts but I had to start to move on.

I took a little bit to remember the features of the saber that Kira had and tell it to Luke. Once I did, I finished replying to his last question "and no, I saw nothing strange about her, she looked normal to me" I said in all honesty. The male nod as he'd let go of my shoulder and fix his posture "I see, well, we need to find a way to get Kira to come here again so that we can get that saber before it's too late" "but how are we going to do that? You know Kira I really smart- she was trained by our father, she'll obviously think somethings fishy and wont bother to come" leia pointed out before I add "and she's with boba fett, we have an assassin and a strong sith, both hard to take down"

The three of us stare at each other in silence, puzzled to make a good plan that'll work on those two but nothing came to mind. A yawn suddenly escape my lips, covering my mouth with my hands as I hear Luke chuckle lightly before speaking "we should sleep first, maybe tomorrow we'll have a plan" Leia and I nod until they both turn to leave "goodnight Leia and Luke" I waved slowly watching them stop by the door with a warm smile "goodnight" they say in unison before Luke close the door, leaving me alone again in my room "mind control?" I whispered. I got comfy on my bed and place my hands over my face "Kira, what are you up to?"

End of chapter 69

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