Chapter 26- Who's your friend?

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My body jumps in my sleep, waking me up by the sound of the alarm of the ship going off, indicating that someone or something if attacking us or that they might be a failure. I slip my helmet over my head and sprint over to the deck, only to loose my balance and fell on my stomach by someone stirring the ship side to side as if they were escaping from something. "Hey! I need help over here!" K.R's voice called for help, I look over to see her on my seat controlling the ship. I didn't have time to argue about her being on my seat controlling the ship since I never liked the idea of having someone do that or touch my things. Carefully getting up, my feet ran towards the female and when I got there, I grabbed on onto the seat. "What's going on?"

The female let one hand go off the guide lever of the ship, pointing to the scanner, my eyes look at the scanner to see a dot behind us "who is that?" I walk closer to the scanner "its a jedi starfighter, I've been trying to loose him or her for a while but I just can't seem to understand this ship" she says, her face soon turning a bit "no offense" she looks back on what was in front. Not taking any offense, I tap her on the shoulder before I walk to the seat next to her, pulling a lever with a red button on top "alright, try to either keep the ship steady or maybe go behind the jedi ship" I told, seeing her nod with no problem "wait, are you going to shoot them?!" She realized what I was planning to do.

"Listen, Its the only way to get rid of them, Also the fact that you may have forgotten that im NOT a fan of jedis" I growled lowly "I get that you are like them, but I'm not, after what they did to me, This is the only way I can get some revenge and a-peace my soul and mind" the female stayed quiet for a while as she stirs the ship, evading every blasts from the jedi starfighter like a pro "yeah...okay..." she responds quietly, soon making the ship fly upwards and behind the star fighter "that's it, keep her steady" I command, waiting for the red + hit the ship symbol on the targeter, once it did, My thumb was about to press down onto the button to shoot when I hear the female shout "NOO!"

In a blink of an eye, the ship was in hyperspace. "What the?" I clench hard on the lever, my expressions changing to a dark one as head slowly turning to the female " DO!" I yelled as I got up, K.R jump out off the seat baking away from me "I-I couldn't let you shoot them" she stutters nervously "WHY?!" I continued to yell at her as I kept my dark angry expression. K.R's back hits the metal wall, her body becoming smaller everytime I stepped closer to her, I don't know how she was looking at me, which expressions she had right now, All I could do was to analyze her posture, the way her hand was extended to stop me from getting closer to her, she was scared of me.

I grabbed her wrist as I hear her with a shaky voice "I'm sorry okay? But I couldn't let you kill my friend!" Her hand on my grasp turned to a fist, noticing her use her freed up hand in attempt to make me let go of her wrist only to fail when my grip got a bit tighter, barely hurting her but making it hard for her to release my hand. "Let go please!" She begged, I still didn't let go, pulling her closer to me, Her small body crashing against my armored body, I used my free hand to grab her arm tight as I let go of her wrist and grab her other arm, keeping her still. I slowly look down at her, meeting her T shaped visor "who's your friend?" My tone was rough.

"W-why do you want to-" "tell me!" I cut her off with a slight yell. As scared as she was, she immediately told me that of many names I never expect to hear again "A-Akari"

Flash back to prison escape

"WHERE ARE THE KRIFFING SHIPS AKARI!?" Kira yelled at the girl on her grap.

End of flash back

My hands let go of the female's arms, dropping to the sides on my body as the rest of my body was frozen by that name and flashback. 'This can't be...can it?' K.R pushed me away from her and ran away, I didn't try to catch her or anything as I was still in my own zone in my head 'first it was the black hair I saw when K.R was drinking water, then that dream of Kira being that hunter and now...Akari? The girl who used to try and stop Kira from escaping with me' I thought I was going crazy, but this things...that dream, that accidental encounter and this event, are seem to start adding up. My head turns to look to where she ran off to 'could that really bee her? Could that really be Kira? Is she really still alive? But if she is...her memory...her memory must've been erased because of that accident'

'Is K.R...Kira Skywalker?'

End of chapter 26

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