Chapter 34- Back at Kamino

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"Wake up! Boba!!"
Those words from the vision I had replayed in my head over and over again. 'Is he going to...die? On my arms? Will he just be injured badly but could give me the time to heal him?' "Ugh!" I held my head on my hands, frustrated and desperate to know what vision meant and when is going to happen. After seeing that bounty hunters real identity, I've been feeling a little bit strange. No, its not about feelings because I clearly don't know or remember the guy, but that doesn't really stop me from explaining how hot he is. His tanned skin, muscly arms, those beautiful brown eyes and that curly hair 'jeez' I thought I lean back on the seat next to Boba's at the deck letting a deep exhale almost a sigh came through my nostrils.

Rain started to pour and crash against the window of the ship 'huh?' I realized we were no longer out in the galaxy but entering a planet. It was dark, windy and a bit scary for me with all that thunder "where-" I look down through the window and saw what looked like and ocean but it was just all the water that this place was getting from the heavy rain. I back up and decided to call Fett, maybe we aren't supposed to enter this planet? "Uhhh, Fett! Why are we in a rainy planet?!" At first I thought he didn't hear me, so my mouth was open and ready to call him again when the stepping sounds came from the hall. It was him. He looked calm as he took his time to get to where I was.

He had his hands inside his pockets, his head was slightly looking down, making his curly bangs cover his eyes a bit. His muscly arms looked a bit tight around the shirts short length sleeve. My eyes slowly move to his chest 'okay that shirt is tight on him, or is it because of them abs tho- WAIT! STOP IT! You're so weird Kira' I shake my head at the sound of a hum he makes as a what. "GAH!" I jump back realizing how close he was to me 'dang he's so tall, I thought it was just the armor and boots making him tall, guess not' I blink multiple times while Fett stares down at me with a raised brow and an expression that looked like he was thinking about something.

"Uhh, Why are we in this rainy planet?" I pointed back with my thumb towards the window. He move his head to look outside, seeing we were indeed in a rainy planet. He walks over to his seat not saying a word as he pressed some buttons and steered the ship. 'Did he just ignored my question?' I crossed my hands and sat down next to him. My body was jumpy whenever a thunder striked, made me seem like I was scared of the thunder, but im not. "Kamino" Fett's voice pierced through the sound of thunder. I used my legs to turn the seat to look at him "what?" I asked, keeping my arms crossed. "I said we are in Kamino" he raised his tone just in case I didn't hear him.

I unfold my arms and lean in my seat close to him "I know, I heard you the first time, but why are we here?" I cleared. Fett was concentrating on landing the ship when I almost fell of my seat for not wearing the seat belt "woah!" I hang on my seat till the ship was successfully landed. Fett turned the ship off and turned in his seat with a mischievous smirk "next time, don't ask too many questions and wear your seatbelt" his smirks grows. I puffed my cheeks "next time, warn me" I squint my eyes at him. He lets out a small low chuckle before standing up and stepping away "are you going to stay there or are you gonna come?" He asked from the hallway. "Hpmh!" I got up from the seat and walked over to where he was.

"I don't even know why we're here" I scratched the top of my head with the hand that was still stitched up, sending a sudden sting through my body "OW!" I shake my hand, trying to shake the pain away "anyway yeah, why are we here Fett?" Fett brought and put my helmet inside of a bigger crate with his own and stacked that crate with two small ones. He lets out a fatigue sigh from going back and forth carrying those crates and turns to me "didn't I tell you to stop asking questions" he leaned his back against the wall with his arms crossed. I scoff "what are you? My father or boyfriend that I have to do what they tell me?" I raised a brow.

Fett looks away chuckling deeply "trust me" he turns his face to me "if I were your boyfriend, you wouldn't be talking right now" he finishes with a mischievous grin. My eyes wide at his comment making him realize what he just said. "I-I mean..." he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he then quickly picks up a rain coat at handed it to me "meet me inside ok? I'll be quick" fett pushes the button to open up the hatch and leaves almost instantly down the hall of the ship. My cheeks were warm, knowing they must be red tinted by what happened just now 'what's gotten into him, thought he was serious and not, cocky or flirty' The sound of thunder stricked again making me jump like a bunny.

'That's it, I had enough of you thunder' I put on the rain coat and stepped out of the ship immediately getting the coat wet from the rain but I didn't stop walking. Then something hit me when I was half way from the entrance of the building.

"Boba! Kira! Get on board!"

A blaster goes off, the sound of a ships laser cannon played loud in my head.

"Aww, don't be mad at her Jango, we were just talking about her father weren't we Kira?"

'That voice...Obi-wan?'

The vision stops when someone nudge on my shoulder gently, snapping me out. "Hey, you okay?" Fett had a coat on as well, but his bangs weren't as protect as they got wet from the rain. He was carrying the crates from earlier, they looked heavy for him and even tho he had the muscle for it, I wanted to help. " fine, uh. Want me to help you with that?" I pointed at the crate. He shakes his head to a no with a gentle smile and motioned me to follow him. "Hey! Aren't you going to wear you armor? Your helmet to hide your identity?"

"I don't really need to here, its safe" he replies. We finally arrived at the entrance where we both got greeted by a female, blue and tall alien. A kaminoan.

"Boba, good to see you again"

End of chapter 34

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