Chapter 66- The Voices of the Dead

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I walk through the dark forest, looking for Boba's ship so we could leave the jedi base and prevent from getting spotted. My hands were inside the hoddie's pockets while the hood was over my head hiding some of my face features. As I walked, my mind recoils everything Akari said to the last thing she said earning a sigh from me. She left me completely dumbfounded by her sudden confession, I wasn't really expecting her to like me that way. I respect her for telling me but I felt bad cause I already love someone and I'm not that kind of person, but I do wish for her to find someone who love her back, cares and protects her. I know she can find that person I really do. I lift my view up to see the roof of the Slave 1 a few feets away from where I was before I fix my view to look what was in front of me.

Using my arms, I gently pushed away leaves and branches out of my way so that don't crash on them. Soon a deep robotic male voice pierced the quiet forest "Kira.." The voice called my name. I turn around grabbing a hold of my blaster aiming at nothing. "Who's there?" I ask, squinting my eyes when the voice didn't say anything else, bringing back the quietness of the forest. I shrugged it off and continued my walk, still holding the blaster now tightly just in case. "My daughter...don't you remember me.." this time the voice brushed so close to my ear, giving me goosebumps at how lifeless/dead the voice sounded. 'My daughter?' "F-father?" I look around the forest, my eyes scan every part not missing a spot, but once again, there was nothing. 'Maybe its all in my head' I thought. That's when I hear the deep robotic voice speak "that's right in your mind" the voice responds.

"But why? Why all of a sudden?" I asked as I stared at nothingness. "The saber..." he replies. I look to the side of my belt noticing something different about my saber "huh?" I put my blaster back on its holster before grabbing the saber and examine it carefully, immediately spotting the difference about this saber. "Shoot! This is my father's! I must've picked it by accident when I was packing my stuff back at Geonosis" knowing what this blaster did to me the first time I held it, I had to return to Boba quick before I go crazy again. Holding the blaster, I turn to run towards the ship, pushing every branch out of my way. Almost tripping over at how fast I was going. I finally got to where the ship was but no sign of Boba anywhere "Boba?!" I whisper shout, looking around the ship until someone whispered back. "What?" I got startled by Boba appearing behind me out of nowhere. Withought thinking twice, I grabbed the saber and extend my hand towards him so he can take it away from me.

The hunter looks at the saber, noticing it was my fathers when he pats the area where he was carrying the saber on his belt. "What are you doing with this?" He asks as his hand kind of snatched the saber out of my hands. "I must've grabbed it by accident when I was packing back at Geonosis" I rub my arm. My eyes stared at the T visor, hearing a sigh coming from him "be careful Kira, you know what happened when you first held this" he told in a worry tone. I nod my head "yeah, I know, i'm sorry" I apologized for my clumsy mistake. Boba approach me, extending his hand towards my cheek and gently caress it "you don't have to apologize sweetheart, I just want you to be more careful next time, alright?" His worry full voice switched to a calm gentle voice. I nod once again before leaning into his touch. "Ready to leave yet?" He asks, keeping his calm/gentle tone. I look at his T visor where I though where his eyes were and nod "yeah, we can leave now"

I follow Boba up the hatch and to the deck of the ship, sat down and waited for Boba to turn on the ship so we can leave the Jedi's base. While he was at it, I dazed off in my thoughts, wondering how did my father communicated with me, how did he got in my conscience? What it all really because of the saber? Or is there more to it? I had so many unanswered questions which I wish would be answered through time, but for now, I just wanna relax for a bit, spend time with Boba and just explore other galaxies with him. "Hey Boba?" He hums a what while he focuses on flying the ship out of the planet. "Where are we going now?" I asked before I add a second random question "and...why did you brought me here, to Geonosis?"

Boba turns the ship to the left evading a asteroid and then answers "well, we could always go back to Kamino and stay there but right now, I need to go somewhere to look for a job and get more credit" he explains. The hunter takes his time to answer the other question but when he did, his voice changed to a sad with a hint of anger to it "I brought you here because-remember that building I was staring at when I was drunk?" He turns his head halfway to see me nod a yes. He turns his head back to face forward, his hands gripping the ships steerer tightly "that place, that the place where my father, Jango fett, got murdered by mace windu" he stops for a brief second "I wanted to take you there to see if you can remember something, but you know we couldn't because of what happened and now thinking about it" he quickly sets the ship to autopilot.

He uses his legs to turn his seat around to look at me. Boba grabbed my hands gently and caressed them using his thumb "I don't think its important for you to remember that dreadful day, cause...I want to star new, I want to recreate new memories with you, I want you to remember all the good thing and not the bad ones like the past, is that okay?" My heart melted with his words, he was the sweetest man ever and of course I wasn't going to say no to that. "Yes, it is okay Boba" I smiled teethly.

End of chapter 66

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