Chapter 74- The silver mandalorian

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone whispering against my ear, at first I thought it was Boba but it couldn't be due to him being on his mission. This caused me to shoot my eyes open and jumping on the bed till I was in a sitting position while my heart rate elevated quickly at my sudden moments. My eyes scan the bedroom, seeing that no one was there with me gave me the chills, that's when I knew that the voice was none other than my fathers again. Not wanting the voice freak me out again, I got off from the bed, grab myself a pair of clean clothes and did my usual morning routine. I wasn't really hungry at the moment so I just seize a star fruit from the kitchen, making sure I had the device Boba gave me to contact him and the room key before heading out.

As I walked out of the building, the first thing my eyes meet were mandalorians, groups, pairs , you name it. 'Boba was 't kidding when he said that this place is full of mandalorian' I thought, bitting into the star fruit as I walk. I kept in mind that I wasn't wearing my armor, keeping my identity a secret from others, that's because I wanted a day off from my armor, besides, no one knows that im actually a bounty hunter or sith anyway. Humming out a thinking sound, I looked down at the ground and began to think in my head

'what am I going to choose? Which path is better for me? Bounty hunter? Or sith? I became a bounty hunter because that's what I love to do, its fun and you get to explore different planets and all sorts but sith, sith is in my blood and if I choose sith then I have to put up with a bunch of responsibilities, become a leader, a lord like my father' I let out a low frustrated grunt before I bumped into someone by accident, the fruit that was once in my hand flew off and landed a few inches away. My head slowly looks up to see a sliver helmet staring down at me, I quickly backed away from the mandalorian and apologized like crazy "i'm so sorry I bumped into you like that, its all my fault, I was distracted with a few things-" I didn't noticed that my voice started to sound panicky before the silver armored mandalorian cut me off. "It's alright, are you okay?" He asks.

I opened my mouth ready to answer his question when the sound of running caught my attention, I was about to turn to see who was running when I felt a large gloved hand grab my wrist and pulled me to an alley. The sound of people running turned out to be mandalorians, they looked to be looking for someone for the way they were pushing and shoving other people to the side. The grip on my wrist release as the voice of the mandalorian was heard next to me "sorry about that, I just couldn't let them see me" he simply stated. I narrow my eyes as I turn to look at the mandalorian when something egg-like was floating next to him, taking a step forward towards the floating egg shaped capsule, the mandalorian stands in the way in a protective way. "What's that?" I point to where the floating object was.

The mandalorian's hand was positioned next to his blaster ready to grab a hold of it in case I did a suspicious move, so I just stayed where I was cause I didn't want to die today. "None of your business" he responds sternly. I wasn't really planning on be pushy and annoying so that he would tell me so I just rolled my eyes at him and shrug "fine, anyway I have better things to do than to deal with a stranger right now so bye" I waved as I walked away but not really cause when I reached the corner of the wall, I hid myself there and peeked to the alley where he was still at. I spied the mandalorian, watching him push some buttons on his wrist armor activating the floating capsule 'what in the-' I squint my eyes trying to see what was inside of the capsule but the mandalorian got in the way a few times which meant that I had to change places to get a better view.

Once I found a perfect spot next to a group of mandalorias and a kiosk, I continued to spy, at that moment my eyes grow wide as they stared in shook by the creature that looked a lot like Yoda inside of the capsule. "I didn't know there were more of that species" I whispered to myself. "Are you talking to yourself?" One of the madalorians from the group asks, I was too concentrated to bother on answering so I just shrug him off, guess it was a bad idea. The ruthless mandalorian grabbed me by my arms and pinned me against the wall "now now, I asked you a simple question which you can answer instead of ignoring, cutie" his index slowly traced my cheek to my jawline, disgusted, I tried to move my face away from his touch inly to be caught by his other hand. "What's the matter cutie? Can't handle my touch?"

I mentally gagged at his coo, before things could get any weird and disgusting from him, a blaster sound echoed through the alley grabbing both of our attentions. My brows frown to see that it was that silver armored mandalorian who caused it "let her go" he orders. The mandalorian chuckles mockingly "or what?" His question got answered in a blink of an eye when the silver mandalorian aimed towards him with his blaster. I could feel this sudden tension growing between them and I believe that the mandalorian felt it too by the way he suddenly lets go of me and runs away, disappearing through the crowd. "Huh? He was wearing an armor, why did he run off?" The question randomly popped in my head and I spoke outloud. "Because his armor is not as strong as it seemed"

"Gah!" I jumped surprised to see the mandalorian next to me, staring where the other left running, giving me the chance to noticed that his armor was all beskar, the strongest metal in the galaxy "I see" I respond before I extend a hand towards him "by the way, I'm...K.R!"


End of chapter 74

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