Chapter 76- The Lies

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"Uh, oh"


*Boba fett is your boyfriend?!" The loud whisper coming from Mando was enough to make nearby people to go quiet and stare at us. I fake a smile at the people staring and made up a lie that they might believe so that this tension ease. I sat back down and narrow my eyes at the mandalorian "could've yelled" I said sarcastically. Mando exhales sharply through the helmet "My apologies" He looks a bit down at the table. I stand up, looking down at Mando while I tap the table with my fingers causing him to look up at me. "I should get going now, Boba should be arriving anytime soon" I was about to turn ready to leave when I hear Mando getting up as well. He follows me out thinking that he's going to a different direction from mine but no, he kept following me. Feeling a little creeped out by it, I decided to confront him "Why are you following me?"

Mando walks next to me with the capsule closed following behind him. "Just gonna take you back to wherever you're staying" he responds, I stop in my tracks only for my wrist to be grabbed and pulled so that I continue to walk "uh, no, absolutely not! I don't need a guard okay? I can take care of myself" I look to the side noticing the same group of mandalorians from earlier, I felt myself get scared from the way they were staring at me "y-you know what? Yeah, okay, lets go" I walked faster than him almost dragged him.

—30 minutes later—-

I was finally back safe in the hotel room, mando had to leave due to knowing about Boba and him targeting Mando for bounty. Though, I was very grateful for him taking care of me while Boba was gone, maybe he wasn't so bad like I imagined, yet it made me feel a little bad that he has to deal with so many bounty hunters trying to claim bounty on him, even my own boyfriend. "Maybe if I convince him to get another job" I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" The familiar husky and serious voice behind me send shivers down my spine. I turn to see Boba staring at me all serious as if he had a bad day "oh! N-nothing" I went and kissed him on the cheek and hugged him, pretending I didn't see his expression.

"Kira..." Boba called my name rather sternly, I gulp down thinking that he might be mad at me for something or worse, he saw that mandalorian walking out of the hotel and thinks that something happened between me and him! "Y-yes boba?" I let go of him to look at him in the eyes, he takes a while go answer but when he does, that's when my nerves elevate. "I found the target" he grins a bit darkly. I faked a smile since im good at that and spoke "oh! Really? Where is he?" Boba pulled a device out of his pouch and came closer to me, showing me a glowing dot blinking on the device. "Saw him walking through a crowd and decided to follow him so that I can attach a tracking device on the capsule that follows him"

He turns off the device and looks at me again, this time his expression change to a calm and relaxed boba "now I know where he is withought having to search for him around random planets in the galaxy" I swung my arm keeping that fake smile "that's great boba!" I faked chuckled which was a bad idea considering he picked up on my strange behavior quickly "something wrong?" He raised a brow. My hands wave in front of me as I shake my head to a no "no no no! Everything's fine! I'm juuust...HUNGRY! Yeah! I'm just hungry that's all" I pat my stomach, I could feel my forehead sweating from lying to my him. I felt so guilty but I didn't want him to be mad at me if he knew that I was just now with the mandalorian aka target and I never told him.

Boba examined for a bit and chuckles "why didn't you say so sweetheart? C'mon lets go, i'll take somewhere to eat-" "no!" Boba frowns his brows confused. "I-i mean, no, I don't want to go out since you did say it was dangerous out there" Biba's head tilts to the side "but I thought you went out for a walk earlier" he asks. "Yyyeah but, I might...sort of got...attacked by a guy" the bounty hunter expressions darkened from getting mad all of a sudden "what?! Who attacked you?! Where is he so I can kill him now!" He shouts his questions, boba was about to slip his helmet back on when I stopped him. "Its okay Boba, they won't bother me again" I spoke calmly so that he calms down aswell.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asks confused. I decided to tell him about the guy who saved me withought telling him it was the target himself who saved me and brought me here. "I see..." he looks down nodding. Suddenly shoot a glance towards me again "a-are you hurt?" He cups my cheeks gently, one of his thumbs caress my cheek making me lean to his soothing touch even thought his hand was gloved. "Im okay Boba, I promise" I lean forward and peck his lips, he responds and kissed me back, he smiles gently. We stared at each other for a few seconds when his stomach grumbles indicating he was hungry, I giggled. "Want to help me cook something for both of us?"

Boba nods, his eyes showing a little bit of excitement like a little kid being excited to help their mother and also showed tiredness from being away. I knew I can't continue to lie to him, I knew I had to tell him everything eventually but for now, I want him to rest and relax.

'This is going to be harder than I thought'

End of chapter 76

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