Chapter 44- A Sith's Dark Story

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The night went on with Boba explaining since when he had a crush on me and everything he went through because of it, knowing that my father Vader always treated him like his own son was really nice to hear. Him being electrocuted by Palpatine and really made me feel anger, I didn't really understand the need to do that to him, when Boba just wanted to  continue to search the area the accident happened cause he really cared, unlike Palpatine. The real question I had to ask myself was 'do I like Boba back? Or not?' I ask myself as soon as Boba finished the story. He noticed I was zoned out in my thoughts as he lets go of my hand and cups my chin, making me look at him "I don't really expect you to give me an answer right now, I just wanted to tell you everything, okay?" He said in a calm tone finish off with a warm smile as he rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"But-" he cuts me off "You don't have to give me your answer now Kira, Firstly I want you to remember who I am, really remember me and then-only then you can tell me okay?" We didn't noticed how close we were with one another till our foreheads rest against each other, his hand was now resting on the back of my head gently stroking my hair as the other was resting on the side of my neck. Our eyes looking deeply at one another, the warmth or our breathing crashing on our face. I could feel my heart beat fast against my chest from all of this. I suddenly get a feeling like I wanted to try something out, but I was so nervous to do it. I noted Boba slowly closing his eyes while his hand continues to stroke my hair. This is my chance, I lift my hand, shaking from being shy and nervous, makes its way to the side of his head slowly taking a small strand of his curl and start to play around with it.

I observe as the curl bounced whenever I carefully pull down the strand and let go, a light giggle came out of my lips as I continue. Boba softly move his head, keeping his forehead on mine and spoke "having fun there?" His voice sounded husky, as if he just woken up from a nap. I smile, letting go of the strand of curl and place my hand down "I've done that before, haven't I?" The male inhales as he opens his eyes, moves his hand off me and moves away "yeah, you always did" he runs his fingers through his hair before he stretch his arms and gets up. "By the way, tomorrow I will take to get some clothes for you" he informs. I nod a okay as I remembered about the armor "speaking of which, your armor is in your room, they got here when you were at the training room" I push myself off the couch, ready to head to bed when the male spoke from behind "hey"

"Yeah?" I watch him as he does some hand movements, they were signals. 'Hold on, I remember this' I watch carefully before I turn those signals into words "Forgot brokar rejorhaa'ir gar megin gar look beautiful" (forgot to tell you that you look beautiful) once I finished, I placed my hand on my chest as I looked away shyly "t-thank you, Boba" I stutter. He steps towards me listening to him take something out, I turn my attention to him only to look down and see a saber " father's saber? I thought it got ruined in the base explosion, H-how did you get it" he gives me the saber. The saber was heavier then mine, guessing is from the choice of metal it was built out of. I held the saber tight on my hands feeling a strong force coming from it, sensing what this saber went through in the past, when my father was...young. 'Woah' I got distracted that the only thing I heard from Boba was something about his skills followed by a chuckle.

"You alright?" He lowers himself to my height with his head tilted to the side staring at me. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, yeah im fine" I glance at the saber as I think "its just that this saber...has been used for many things, not just for battle but, darker things" I whispered the last part. I felt Boba glance at the saber as well and wondered "darker things? Like what?" He asks with curiosity. I lower my hand with the saber as I stared at nothing "He killed younglings, my father killed those kids that were going to become a jedi..." my eyes teared up as flashbacks from the saber flushed through my mind. "His mother got killed by Tusken raiders...He killed innocent people" shouts and cries of pain, I could hear them so clear "Kira...let go of that saber" Boba spoke, but I couldn't hear him. "My father...he was suffering..." I muttered "please let go of that saber"

"Palpatine was my fathers master...he was the one who taught my father the way of the dark side" my breathing got shaky as I continued. "He wanted power, to be stronger" "that's it" I felt the saber get snatched from my hand, Bringing me back to reality as I felt the cries, shouts, screams and that strong force feeling of power all wash away. "W-what happened?" I start to get a headache from it. "Agh! My head" I whined as I rubbed my head with a free hand. I saw Boba staring at me in shock "what?" I ask puzzled with the way he was staring. "Your eye..." he said "yeah its red I know, don't really remember what happen-" "your other eye" he specifies. My brows frown "what? What's wrong?!"


End of chapter 44

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