Chapter 47- Leaving Kamino

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Boba carried crates filled with bottles of water and food to the Slave one, being helped by Kye and cole from the small clone group I met yesterday while the other two, Jack and Max were standing by the door, watching the clones load the ship with the crates. "YOU'RE LEAVING!? ALREADY?!" Jack's loud shout made my ears ring, i'm pretty sure his shout was loud enough to be hear feets away from where we were. A hissing sound came out of my mouth as I rubbed my ears making the ringing go away. Jack receives a slap on the back of his head for shouting, earning a "ow" from the clone. I giggle as I watch Jack rub the back of his head where he got slapped. "To answer your question, we are not leaving forever, Yesterday Boba told me he'd take me to get some clothes for me" I inform the clone.

"But you are coming back, correct?" Jack continued with questions. Max facepalms himself by Jack's questions "dude! Are you trying to get on Boba Fett's death list? Cut it out" This was new for me to see Max like this, he's usually the quiet clone out the group, but this time he's behaving like a big brother trying to stop his younger sibling from getting into trouble. I did feel bad from leaving so soon, we just got here and even though the thunder scared me, I really felt this place like home for once 'I do hope we come back' Jack moves his eyes to look at mine and with a sad expression on his face, he suddenly grabs my hand and kisses the top like a gentleman "well beautiful, it was a pleasure to meet you, we do hope to see you again soon" he smiles with a smirk as his eyes catch something behind us, making him let go of my hand and back up putting his hands behind his back.

I open my mouth ready to say something when the feeling of large hands slide and hold my hips caused me to stiffen up. I could sense the owner of the large hands to get closer by the second 'til his chest bumps against my back upper shoulder "everything's boarded, lets go" Move my head up to meet the boba fett staring blankly towards Jack. I return my view to the two clones and gave them a smile as I wave my hand "bye guys, nice meeting you all" the other two clones that helped Boba reunite with the group and smile as others were sad to see us leave so soon. Boba and I left to board the ship, as the rain poured down on out helmets and armor, our boots stump on small puddles. I almost slipped on a puddle, luckily I managed to catch myself. Once inside the ship, I naturally took off my helmet and placed it on a nearby counter as I hear the hatch close.

I noticed Boba taking his helmet off as well and setting it next to my helmet, I giggle at the size different of the helmets "even the helmet is smaller than yours" I giggled more. "Yeah..." Boba bluntly respond as he turns to the control panel to start the ship, my brows frown puzzled. "Hey are you okay?" I caught up to the hunter, watching as he sat down on his seat pressing some buttons and flickering the switches until the engines powered up. I quickly took a seat next to him as the ship starts to hover over the ground, when the ship was facing forward, I let go of the seat. Knowing that there was something on his mind and yet, I was stubborn enough to ask him again. "Hey, are you okay?" Then it hit me. Jack placing a kiss on my hand. 'Hm, maybe he saw that and that's why he's like this'

I cleared my throat nervously "Was it because of...Jack kissing my hand?" I was expecting for him to get mad or blow up, only thing I got was a dry maybe with the hunter putting the ship on autopilot before he stood up and left. Im no expert when it comes to guys, but im pretty sure he is jealous right now. I make my way to his room and check up on him, before I enter his room I made sure to knock to make my presence known and then I enter. Finding him counting a case filled with bounty he earned with his job 'this man really worked pretty hard to earn that amount of bounty' I thought as I stared astonished. The hunter sets a mountain of four imperial credit to the side, ready to get on with the next four credits to count "what is it?" His tone was still dry and emotionless. I gulp down my saliva as I decided to take off my boots and sit next to him on his bed.

"Um, boba, I'm no expert when it comes to guys but" as soon as I make a brief stop on my sentence, he stops counting his bounty, waiting for what I was about to say. "I know-I mean I feel're jealous" he turns his head to look at me, he was squinting his eyes trying to follow. When he understood what I meant about him being jealous, he clicks his tongue and turns back to his bounty "so what if im jealous?" He asks "its not like you'" he finishes. My eyes wide at the curly haired hunter as I hear him put the bounty back in the case. "Of course I would care" I respond "yeah? Give me one good reason why" he lifts a brow, his serious gaze sends shivers down my spine. I try shrugging them off trying to find my words to speak.

I pressed my index fingers together and spoke "because I know that you like me" I almost mumbled. "Yeah, and?" He sounded like he was expecting something else apart from what I just said. I lower my hands and look straight in his eyes "and I would never hurt your feelings"

End of chapter 47

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